Merging Immovable Objects with Map Geometry

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Shock Theta, Jan 18, 2008.

  1. Carter C

    Carter C Guest

    Is there a way to use this so that you can have a double box coming at an angle out of Foundry's floor?
  2. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    I'd like to know how to get them level.
    Mine always seem to go askew on their own.
  3. HALObub

    HALObub Ancient
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  4. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    The official term for this technique should be GeoLocking

    Take the word GEOMETRY, and INTERLOCKING. Combine them together and you have GeoLocking.

    I don't want credit, and its just a thought, so please don't flame. I will continue to use that term regardless of what others think because it sounds cool.


  5. RealRico

    RealRico Ancient
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    Hey can I request (if it is not a problem) if you people make a video of this. It hard to understand.
  6. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    Flem Productions (or is it Phlem?), who has made the other F101 tutorial videos, is aware of the request. We must accept that they have real lives and can only make videos on their spare time. Your patience is appreciated.

    Please bare with them as I'm sure this topic is high on their priority list.

  7. K1llersnipe

    K1llersnipe Ancient
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    i wanna know how someone finds this out haha. very helpful
  8. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    like i wanna make the box coming at an angle out of the ground so i could walk up it is it possible and how please =(((((((

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    This is probably the most difficult thing to do in Forge. But let me try and take a crack at explaining it, and how it works. This tutorial is on Avalanche, but it works the same on all Heroic and Legendary maps. In Foundry, I use bridges and fence walls to brace, and a door to force the object into the ground. On Avalanche, I use bridges and walls or barriers to brace, and energy blockers to force objects into the ground. I'll refer to the energy blockers as just doors here though, for ease.

    Step by step:
    Save/Quit the box at the exact angle you want the box, just barely above the ground where you plan on sinking it into the floor.
    2. Brace the box as tightly and as flush as possible. Bridges (with the bottom of them in contact with the box surface) are the best bracing tools in this situation.

    • You need to brace all 4 "long" sides of the box
    • Save/quit one bridge at the time snugly against the box (no spaces anywhere in between)

    3. Once all 4 bridges are bracing the box snugly, you now need to put an upside down door into the "short" end (opposite the side that will merge into the ground) of the box.
    • Save/Quit the door (top facing directly into the box) at the exact same angle as the box, down as far as it can be pushed into the box.
    • Make sure you have this saved.


    4. Simply grab and release the box one time, and it will sink into the ground at the angle you have it braced at.

    After the first round of sinking, I realized the bridges were too long and preventing me from sinking the door into the box, so i switched to fence walls/barriers.
    • Sometimes it will work perfectly, sometimes things go bad and it angles in awkwardly despite the braces. If this is the case, do not fret, just quit the game and load up it up again (this is why its so important to save), then repeat step 4 again until it looks right.
    • If the box is at the correct angle, but you need it to be sunk further into the ground, save that merged box version, then repeat steps 3 and four again. (Just move the top of the door further into the box again then grab/release again)

    Hope this helps you out, I tried to be as specific as possible, but if you have any questions feel free to ask. Most importantly you just need to be patient, it may take several times to get it right, but it sure is sweet when you do.
    #149 LIGHTSOUT225, Apr 23, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2008
    M.Jelleh and squidhands like this.
  10. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    thx i can kinda get a feel for it but maybe some pics would help but if thats to much ill try to figure out wat u sayin
  11. LIGHTSOUT225

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    Ask and you shall receive. Just added some screenshots to the little tutorial. Hope this helps you out a bit more. You do it the exact same way on Foundry, just using doors instead of the energy blockers. I just wanted to show it was do-able on Avalanche also. I also re-worded some of the steps to make them more understandable.

    For the most part I think the term is Merging. People just frequently confuse it and interlocking for the same thing. Either way, it doesn't really matter lol
    #151 LIGHTSOUT225, Apr 23, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2008
    Playerhata27 likes this.
  12. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    The good thing is that the door method works with the Legendary map pack ( on Blackout and Avalanche anyway ).

    Im using it a bit on Avalanche, it opens alot of doors because the map is far from flat, but using this makes it look epic...
  13. LIGHTSOUT225

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    Yep Ghost Town too. The doors sink in A LOT. And yeh, theres definitely some interesting things you can do on Avalanche. We haven't even begun to tap that potential.
  14. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I still haven't been able to start any Forging on the Legendary maps, but this is great to know that the doors work like in Foundry. That way has always worked best for me.
  15. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    Excellent tut, Light. This should be posted to the OP so everyone can see. Admittedly, its a pain in the arse to read all the pages within a thread, so I vote that this be included in the first post. I would do it, but I'm not a mod and I don't have special powers. :-(

    Also, if you could answer this question, it will help others to know what sort of time commitment they need to make for every individual object they want to GeoLock (I'll still use my word! lol): APPROXIMATELY HOW LONG DID IT TAKE TO MERGE THE OBJECT IN YOUR TUTORIAL ON AVALANCHE?


    #155 a dumb cat, Apr 23, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2008
  16. Punkshorty

    Punkshorty Ancient
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  17. LIGHTSOUT225

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    you can expect for it to take 10-15 minutes a box.. maybe more, depending on where you merge it, and how much practice you have. Thats just a ballpark guess though, it could be longer if you have trouble.. the objects tend to fight it sometimes.
  18. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    over time, you can get pretty fast. i think i can get a double box in the ice in about 5 mins or so.
  19. LIGHTSOUT225

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    not at an angle you cant, saving and quitting braces alone will take a few minutes
  20. kayaman132

    kayaman132 Ancient
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    if i have a friend i will use the new floating technique. which saves me loads of time.

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