Mergatroids XboXX

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by KdiscKforge, Nov 11, 2010.

  1. KdiscKforge

    KdiscKforge Ancient
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    4 open ended multi level rooms, connected by a death pit in the middle. Walls in the back of these rooms are slanted. Getting to another level is a breeze. This map has been tested multiple times. No getting lost or confused, in your face action, great lines of site. Infection is killer on this map, there are no camp spots, set zombie traits best for your group. Spawns for slayer have been set for any # of teams up to max party size. This is one Mergatroids favorites.


    The Outside non playing area

    Looking North

    Looking South

    Looking East

    Looking West

    Looking up from the pit

    Looking Down













    Other Mergatroid maps

    Mergatroid's Train

    Mergatroid's Sublevels

    Mergatroid's Eyeball
    #1 KdiscKforge, Nov 11, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2010
  2. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
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    um yeah...Im not impressed...your map doesnt look apealing and looks like camp amazing...
    I know you said there are no camping spots but people are going to camp on this map...people are going to perfer higher ground on the map because of advantges and they can stay up there killing people cause there going to camp with the sword or shotgun you show in one of your screenshots...
    this map looks like people will camp like crazy and that the weapon spawns arent good which helps with the camping...
  3. KdiscKforge

    KdiscKforge Ancient
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    thanks for the heads up but your wrong, amazing how you could tell all that from pictures that show no weapons, play it then post what happens. I welcome all comments good bad or foolish
  4. GoodOldChurch

    GoodOldChurch Forerunner

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    Well you have me DL'ing right now. I'll admit I wasn't expecting a map like this based on the name, but it at least looks like it has potential. No matter what, I do like that center pit.

    I'll let you know if I end up liking it, this should be more easy to test randomly than other maps I've DL'ed recently.
  5. Antares777x

    Antares777x Forerunner
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    On the high ground camping, no kidding, of course people are going to prefer high ground. Flat maps are terrible because they are flat, and maps that are vertical are terrible because of lack of transitions and it's too easy to camp. This map is clearly fine, and it seems very camp proof to me.

    The screenshot that you are referring to is one of the infection gametype. Humans have shotguns, and zombies have swords. None of the screenshots have any weapon spawns on them.

    I can definitely see this map as a fun infection map, but I'm rather skeptical for team gametypes. Good job though, I like the idea of having the pit with a killzone in it.
  6. anime halo

    anime halo Forerunner
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    ok since Im not a total ass Ill say im sorry...
    I was a little mad a the time I posted this and I wasnt thinking about infection gametypes...also long as you have the weapons spawns and spawns for the peoples good then your good...
  7. Ociee

    Ociee Forerunner
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    I really like this map it has neat structures, and I especially like the pit thing in the middle. :D
  8. KdiscKforge

    KdiscKforge Ancient
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    What I mean about no camping spots is there nothing to hop on to, like on the map called the cage in living dead where people hop on the roof above the initial spawns. Also there are no dead ends in here but plenty of corners. I am still learning this craft.
  9. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    This is a unique layout and the aesthetics are cool too. A few criticisms though: some of the lifts (blue spawn side) seem to be too powerful. Is this because you're out of the smaller lifts and man cannons? Also, the rocket and invis are really close to each other and are both closer to the red side than the blue. This might not be a problem since there are so many different initial spawns but overall it looks like red side would make it to these first and the blue side seems to only have sniper. It seems to me that by the time blue side gets up to snipe then the red team will already have invis and rocket which together are more powerful than just sniper imo. There's also some z-fighting at shotgun spawn. Please don't take this the wrong way, I think the map is really cool, just trying to help you improve it. Btw, you have some duplicate pictures in your post.
    #9 CyborgAnthro, Nov 12, 2010
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2010
  10. KdiscKforge

    KdiscKforge Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Excellent critique, the rocket near an invis flaw will be noted for the future, now that you mentioned the rocket launcher, in all the matches on here I have noticed only 1 person used it so far, it's not in an obvious spot. As for the sniper, this map is not favorable for a sniper unless your a no scope expert, but it's there anyhow however there is a needle rifle opposite end of the map.

    thanks for the insight
  11. xGOT THE EDGEx

    xGOT THE EDGEx Forerunner

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    This map looks very interesting. I will be giving it a download and play a few games on it with a few of my buddies. From the pictures though, I can already tell that I really like the layout and aesthetics of the map. I haven't been forging for long, but I'm pretty excited to play this and see how well it plays.

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