Emergence! The Ship "Contributor II" Has Crashed And Reported As A BattleField Called "MeraPhaction!" Floating Debri, Guns, Equipment. What Else Do You Need For A Battlefield In Space? Here Are Some Pictures Of My New Map. The BR Spawn: The ShotGun Spawn: The Oddball Effect!: I Hope You Guys Like This Map Because LegitKiller99, And FFA sword I made this! Here Are The Links For This Map!.!.! Map: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Oddball Type: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details King Of The Hill Type: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details This Game Also Is Able To Be Played With Regular Slayer. I Hope You All Enjoy This New Map Of Mine! I Am... LegitKiller99 P.S. If You Fall Off Of The Platform, Just Go In The TelePorters.
Is this a joke? Dude, this is ForgeHub, we dont look too kindly on 1/4 assed maps...you didnt even try, and I could have 10000 maps like this by now....fail
a map description would be nice, because I dont get if it is like a jumping map like leap frogs. Or if it is really sloppy.
sdrak is right (aside from the douche comment) that this map is just thrown together with no effort whatsoever. Take more time on your maps. Put more thought and effort and think of a plan before you make it.
If you were going to do this why didnt you do this on black out so you would fall to your death but then it would be just like leap frog except not as sweet.
no he's not. He already posted a crap map a couple days ago... The map is lame, looks like you made it in 5 minutes, and is not original at all, it is a plain, crappy rip-off of Leapfrogs...
Dude ok, I'm sorry but I have a few issues that I'm gonna list anyways 1)descriptive much? 2)looks pretty slopopy could be made in 5 mins On a positive note though, it might actually be fun just cuz everythings floating...but you should've made it on Standoff on this on spot where if you fall...well you die which I think woul'dve made much more sense.
I am guessing that this is a floating battlefield. It isn't that good, but it is just that that makes me give you a 3.5/5 It takes guts to put a crummy map on a website with people that will just slam it left, right, and centre.