Remake of the Pit. Made for use with MLG Slayer and CTF 3 settings. Added medpacks into pit area. Feed back is appreciated.
Ah yes, another remake of my favorite map. Okay for starters, you need 500 words of description (it's not that hard (that's what she said)). Are the jumps accurate using MLG V2 settings. For example is the plat to green box jump possible, can you jump up next to the small 1x2 ramp in the first picture, I already noticed there is no "yellow padding" located around the center of the map/training area (was this intentional or did you just forget). I don't mean to be harsh but there are a lot of pit remakes out there, try and look at some and compare, or set yourself apart if you want by changing a few things you thought sucked. Lastly, a few more pics couldn't hurt (sword room?/runway?). Other then that it looks good and like I said before I love the pit.
Seems like you did a really good job with this. It's clear you put a lot of effort into making a good map. The only thing I'm not to sure of is the scale. I downloaded but haven't gotten the chance to do a thorough review, so I'm basing all of this on the screenshots. The pictures do make me wonder if this map is a little too small. It looks like everything is a little too close to the middle. Did you match the scale or we're you forced to cut down a little bit?
I did have to cut down some to be able to make the jumps with reach's jump height. Also with the size of the coliseum, I had to shorten the objective areas.