Hey all, Rated Dirty Here. Alot of you have seen my signature or possibly my video for my Map Pack. The Memories Map Pack consists of 5 different maps all designed and forged on Sandbox. I have been working on this since the release of Halo Wars. I have had many great reviews and I am very excited to finally release this to you guys. I have always loved ForgeHub and know you guys possibly won't hurt my feelings ;P. If you have not seen the trailer video the link to it is in my Signature. These 5 maps will bring happy faces all around =). I really do hope you guys enjoy! "Warning...LONG POST!" Sand Moral Lets kick it off with Sand Moral. Sand Moral is a spiritual sucessor of my Foundry map Immoral. Immoral was part of the WLM(We Love MaGNuM) Map Pack. The map brings out some intense 1v1-2v2 games. Numerous people have told me about it's capabilites as a possible matchmaking map. This is the first map that I designed on Sandbox. I started on it the day Halo Wars came out. I am very pleased with the way to turned out and I hope you guys like this one. Sand Moral's story is about a Forerunner Library that held to secret key to activate the 8th Halo Ring. Weapons BRx7 Plasma Riflex4 Needlerx2 Carbinex4 Maulerx1 Fragx4 Stickiesx10 Overview of Center Red Catwalk Bottom Mid Like I said before. Sand Moral will offer some intense gameplay Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details BloodBath Bloodbath is the next map in Memories 5. Bloodbath originally was supposed to be an MLG map but I turned it into a squad battle type map. The map was very fun to play test and I hope you guys will enjoy Bloodbath. This map is like an arena. A combined version of Assembly and Onslaught. Offering some unique gameplay. Everything is aysmmetric but the catwalk over head. The vehicle of the map is a chopper on each side. 2 bases are on each side with a middle structure holding the infamous rocket launcher. To the side the sniper rilfe sits on it's perch. Waiting for some lucky Mo-Fo to grab it. Weapon List BRx8 Sniper Rilfex1 Spikerx4 PPx2 Needlerx2 Rocketsx1 Carbinex4 Fragsx2 Stickiesx6 Bubble Shieldx1 Not many pictures for Bloodbath. But the layout isn't even confusing. Just download the map and check it out! Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Tunnel Rats I was so excited to make this map when I found out about the tube pieces. I started this right afer Sand Moral and it turned out to be on of the coolest maps that I have made. It is meant for a 6v6 or 7v7 match. It may be a smaller map. But the many hallways make up for it and offer some intense gameplay. FFA is also a very good gametype to play on this map. Just make sure you have at least 6 players to play FFA with. Weapon List BRx4 Shotgunx2 Sniperx2 Spikerx4 Needlerx2 Carbinex2 Missle Podx1 Stickiesx4 Spikex4 Bubble Shieldx2 Like I said with BloodBath. The map will play itself out once you actually step foot on the map. Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details These next 2 maps are in my opinion...The top 2 out of this Map Pack. These 2 will offer some amazing gameplay from 4v4 to a BTB showdown. The best is saved for last. Acrophobia Acrophobia is sort of a Valhalla and Narrows combined. The name Acrophobia actually goes with this map. The map is stationed up in the sky with 2 opposing sides leading to a middle. Like Narrows if you fall off you die. Acrophobia's definition is the fear of heights. I thought it would be clever to put on =). 6v6 through a full 16 player party is what makes this map shine. You will have alot of fun wrecking kids with your banshee of death!!! Weapon List BRx4 Sniperx2 SMGx4 Needlerx2 Rocketsx1 Carbinex4 Missle Podx2 Fragx4 Stickiesx4 Bubble Shieldx1 Power Drainx2 Bansheex2 Blue Spawn Red Spawn I cannot post many pictures or else this thread would be huge! Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Now the best is on it's way... Get ready for my favorite map that I have EVER forged. A medium sized FFA and TS map. With different rooms and hallways. This reminds me of a Chill Out but bigger and different. It is based off of a Covenant Plasma Factory. Pipes of Plasma go up the walls to the upstairs section(unplayable) And 2 giant plasma containers look over the map. Sounds of the machines can be heard while you roam around the map. I bring you.. PLASMATERIAL Get ready to play one of the coolest maps ever so far. Offering some awesome gameplay. Plasmaterial was designed in the crypt and uses most of it. I cannot explain the map layout. You will just have to see! Weapons BRx6 Shotgunx1(Aysmmetric Only) Sniperx2(only 1 during Aysmmetric Gametypes0 Spikerx2(Asysmmetric Only) Plasma Riflex6 PPx2 Needlerx1 Carbinex2 Maulerx1 Fragx3 Stickiesx7 Bubble Shieldx2 Camox1(Aysmmetric Only) Overshields(Symmetric Only) Blue Room Red Room GAME PLAY PICTURES Download Plasmaterial Here Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Thanks for viewing this guys. Please tell me if any links or pics are broken or not working. Check out Ustream.tv tommorow. Search BryceBear and watch my live stream of the maps from 4-6 P.M. EST. Thanks guys. I know some of you guys have talked to be about it. Well here it is. Rated Dirty out..
Sweet maps, they all look pretty decent, Blood bath and acrophobia i think could use alittle work, they look to simple to me, alittle more flare would be better but otherwise the other 3 look really good, def a download from me. 4/5 on all
I just downloaded 'em all. It's just a tad too late here for me to check'm out. And I may not have time to do so tomorrow, so I'll tell you what I think friday - if I don't forget. They look awesome, though!
Thanks for the feedback spirit. My goal in my forging career is to get a map into MatchMaking. That would just be clutch!