The Map What, not popular enough to find a big party? Well this map is a solution for you! This is a small map meant to be played 2v2 or 4v4, even though this supports 8v8 this is not meant to be played 8v8. There are two ways to the other team's base to reduce camping. One thru the tunnels and another thru teleporters which takes you thru another series of tunnels. This supports Team Slayer, MultiFlag CTF, King of the Hill Mosh Pit style, and Assault. No need to download these game variants, all you have to do is use the ones listed above that Bungie has already made. Thats it, advice is always welcome. Download Screens The Base (Symmetrical on other side) The Main Tunnels The Secondary Tunnels
I was wondering if anyone was going to catch that, couldn't think of name so just looked around and saw a Memorex CD .