Ryouji Gunblade submitted a new map: Memento Mori - Big map. Many vehicles. Death everywhere. Read more about this map...
Ryouji Gunblade updated Memento Mori with a new update entry: Polish and New Weapons Read the rest of this update entry...
I played this map a couple weeks ago and enjoyed it! It really gave me a CE feel, kind of like Death Island. Great job
New screenshots available! Minor update: -Adjusted Sentinel Beam timer to 120 -Adjusted Grenade Launcher timer to 120 -Smoothed some terrain in front of the main bases -Added brand new emissive stuff I feel pretty happy about the aesthetics now, and I've been thinking of submitting it even though there is no heavies playlist. After the next playtest, should I go for it?
Ryouji Gunblade updated Memento Mori with a new update entry: Redesign and Rocket Race! Read the rest of this update entry...
Ryouji Gunblade updated Memento Mori with a new update entry: Xbox One X Ultimate Edition Read the rest of this update entry...