hello this is the third map i made in halo reach, melt down sounds familiar is there a map already made with the name of melt down? but anyways my original thought for a map was suppose to be a giant silo in the coliseum extending from the floor to the ceiling with a spiraling ramp that slowly ascends to the top, and when you get to the top you jump in and land on a glass surface and there are door ways to other rooms with weapons and stuff. but i thought it would be too much of a race to the top, so i went with this. but any anyways you spawn here if you are playing slayer or head hunter in a team, or on the opposite side if you are on the red team there is a DMR on top of the ramp, and at the bottom closer to the middle is a sniper rifle, this is symmetrical for both teams then you come down to the center of the map, in the very middle there is a rocket launcher and a head hunter drop off point, leaning against 2 of the covers in the middle are DMRs. the rocket launcher does not spawn in ffa so to the left as you can see in the picture above are 2 ramps, and at the top is a DMR or needle rifle depending on if you are playing team or ffa, then there is a 2 story tower with a plasma launcher at the top floor, the paths around the tower leads to two windows defending another headhunter drop off point and a plasma pistol, also a small building with a 2 way shield at the entrance, inside there is a DMR, to the left path is a needle rifle, the right path has a needler, and the man cannon will shoot you up to the 2nd floor of the 2 story tower. ill talk about that gravity lift farther in this thread but going back to the middle picture 2 pictures above, if you go down it there are 2 paths you can take or you could jump down to a third one, these paths all lead to a tower, and the bottom path leads to that gravity lift in the picture above the three 2 story towers are all connected to each other in some way, and they have different weapons, concussion rifle in the middle, shotgun in the right. and this is more of the bottom path it has a needle rifle on it well thats pretty much it feed back, questions, and comments are welcome thank you for your time
This map looks pretty good, The first thing that comes to my mind when I look at this map is that there are way to many walkways limiting your movements around the map, Love the claw idea and I get the feeling of pinnacle in the map, My tip, have a look at a forge guide in the forums here ( cant remember the link or name) and look at dance floors and walkways. Sorry that this has been quite negative I'm just trying to make your map better so please forgive me for that.
Also, I really don't think you've tested this map enough : ( Just look at the spawn points. When someone spawns on your map they should have at least three seconds of uninterrupted movement to get a feel for where they are. Your map features people falling off a ledge within two seconds of spawning. That is extremely disorienting to a new player. I don't know if you thought that was something cool or different, but it's not. It's simply a bad spawning decision. Also, I've noticed that many of your spawns are placed randomly, with (apearantly) very little thought going into their placement. Trust me when I say that something as small as a spawn can either make or break your map. I'm not saying that your map is completely broken, but it certainly isn't the type of competitive map that I or many other players would play. Here's a link to the help guide HMSGOVIER was talking about.
yeah i actually never tested this at all cause only 1 other person on my friends list actually plays halo reach constantly, and i actually rushed it just so it could be played on that friday forge day event, that i actually couldnt join because of some last minute things, thank you for your feed back. and to the first comment i really appreicate any feed back so thank you, i was considering that but that was rushing it as i said above, i guess i just wanted to post it cause i finished my initial thoughts for this map. well i fixed it, i added a new area and changed a spawns