Meleemaster246 is my gt so yes these are mine and the only pictures I am posting are on my fileshare I will provide a link to each one so fell free to comment and rate on SMG's Kneeling Mark V Warrior Define Holy Light Team Doubles Thinking Dieing with Joy Neon Sniper Demonic Spartan Elementality Emerging Green Mist ODST Warrior Pink Portrait Sniping Some of these you may have seen in the forums before but most of them you probaly haven't.I hope you liked them.
I am not even exaggerating, these are some of the best and most epic pictures I have ever seen o_o how do you even do **** like that, not even my "best picture" is even close to being as awesome as any of those!!! SMG's: 9/10 Kneeling: 8.9/10 Mark V Warrior: 9.5/10 Define: 8.3/10 Team Doubles: 8/10 Thinking: 7.75/10 Dieing with Joy: 9.5/10 Neon Sniper: 9.3/10 Demonic Spartan: 8.8/10 Elementality: 10/10 Emerging: 10/10 Green Mist: 10/10 ODST Warrior: 9/10 Pink Portrait: 7/10 Sniping: 7.9/10
Holy ****, those are all pretty good, i think your really good at taking screenshots. I would like to see what you could do if you used the weapons and effects to make something like Predators screenshots where he adds special things with the floating weapons and such.
I declare you The Master of Screenshots. Seriously, these are some of the best screenshots I have ever seen. Some of them don't even look like they were taken in theater.
O hey there melee. Wow, nice screenies. I remember when you were all excited because "Holy Light" got on the front page of Bungie. That's probably my favorite.
i like smgs the best, but all the shots were great, id love to take some shots with you some time, as you seem perceptive of effects.....anyways id have to say i enjoy the varity of these shots, they are different in all different ways, nice job.
All of these are great. My favorite is Demonic Spartan. It looks like his sword melts away. Anywho all these are pretty amazing and you should continue to make more.
I gurantee you these are taken in theater lol and for those of you who say I'm the best screenshot taker ever I'm not I have a friend whos like 2x better then me believe it or not.
These are some of the best pictures I've seen in the thread. Also congrats on getting on the front page.
Ooo they are very nice. my personal favorites have to be the emerging one and also the last one. Nice shots fella
wow...the effects on these are awesome! the colors are epic and fit perfectly. The red sword is my favorite