Well not really but the current system is based on health and who melee's fist. This is the only possible option if you want to remove host advantage. In Halo 2 it was who actually did it first but the host usually won and was not fair: Now we only have 3 options 1.H2 system- Not fair for non host 2. H3 system - Makes no sense 3. Buy dedicated servers. Three seems the best.
Why is everyone saying that the mele system is so terrible, just because you die and you think you should have won dosent mean its flawed or has anything wrong with it, and the system based on health DOES make sense, this is because in real life, if you feel better and you shoot a guy in the foot and he shoots you in the arm, who dies first, YOU DO, and i mean think about it clearly, it makes sense!
Whenever I die at the fist of another player, I usually assume that it was because he melee'd faster than I. I'm not competitive enough to yell 'ZOMG TEH MELEEZ ARE MESSED UP! BUNGIE YOU ARE RIP OFF!' If somebody doesn't like the melee system, he should stick to BRs and Snipers. Or CoD4.
I have noticed some problems with the melee system also but Ive given up pissing about it now that ive been dealing with it for a few months... if i get killed by a cheep melee i just make up for it by blowing the **** outa the person afterwards :squirrel_jaffa: and soggy nice icon... i love that video of the weasel thing... :squirrel_rocking: -Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck:
yeah i kinda just got used to it, and i agree killer the third option is probably the best of the three lol.
halo 2 had the better melee system, whoever was to melee first won the battle. it was based on skill and reaction time, if you didnt like the halo 2 system the you are probably a newb.
I think it should be whoever gets hit first is momtarily stunned so that they can't hit back even if they had more health than the person doing the hitting, because in reallife if you're hurting and you sucker punch the guy who's hurting you real good he could be on the ground for awhile.
that would turn it into two people with full hp run up to eachother and the first one who hits wins, your saying that you could hit them, then they are stunned, you hit them again, and repeat the process, even for a guy with overshield
The melee system is fine when it comes to two people are meleeing (sp?) eachother, however there are other complications with the system... 1. Sometimes people don't die when you melee them (occasionally even if you assassinate) and they are supposed to be almost always instant kills. 2. Often the person won't even look like there meleeing you and then all of a sudden your dead and its says they beat you down. 3. If the people don't die (number 1) they might melee you back and they kill you even though your melee didn't kill them, (happens to me often) thus... making you pissed. 4. Meleeing can and will cause injury, severe brooses, head trauma, constipation, big booboos, and sometimes death due to serious side effects 5. Lemons are sexy - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck:
bungie just posted the weekly update. They're having a bunch of guys, including guys from MLG, to help them test and tweak the melee system. The melee update will be part of AU1
no, only when both people are in the 'beatdown kill zone' or whatever you want to call it then the person who meleed first would win.
The punching, chopping, slapping, etc. I'm fine with, but sometimes, every now and then, I get an assasination with the sword, but the ppl don't die, once, I lunged and heard the fleshy sound when you lunge a person, but he or she didn't die, so then I try again, but then before I do, they get a no-scope/bulltrue combo kill. SO LUCKY, but it happened anyway.