Anyone else got this game? Im in need of some friend codes and such. Very fun game, way better than part 2 and 1, I recommend it for any Megaman fan the Online fighting is awesome, theres hundreds of ways to customize your megaman. I believe you can download a demo if you have the Wii shop channel too if you have such a thing
Describe it for me, is it like the old GBA megaman's where you pause in the middle of a fight to use chips or what? Tell meh about it and I might get.
Its preety much the same exact thing, except the way you battle now, instead of it looking like this: the view is more like Its tricky to get used to it at first if your used to the GBA games, but once you do its preety fun making your deck of Battle cards and stuff, if you are thinking of getting it, get either 2 or 3 though, you can battle Online on those
way better than 2 and 1... i mite give this a go. I played all the old ones but didnt like the transition to 3-D. Might give it a try.
Love Megaman... I really like the original battlenetwork, starforce was i real change for me. Either way its Megaman so i buy it. Starforce 1 was ok, 2 was better. Im getting Red Joker, my bro is getting the other... Honestly though i heard about Starforce 3 like a year ago since i really like to dig in to this stuff... Anyways cant wait to play this one.
I thought part 1 was better than 2 honestly, only thing i liked about 2 was the online play, but part 3 is soooooo much better, the final forms make you wanna jizz in your pants and good news, Capcom just announced their next DS game is gonna be a new Battle Network game, XD