Hey guys , This is my first map i've done on Reach ! This map will in my new map pack called Inheritor. Im not very good for discribe my maps so i will just say : Teleporter dont eat you ..... they just teleport you ! Map work for FFA , ODDBALL , TS and CTF ! 8-16 Players Thanks to all tester and special thanks to Teh Aions , PGH IVIonster and LH Super Gogeta for comments and hoster for the test ! Now pictures ! If you want to test the other map just let me know it ! (GT: NoX Ripshaw )
that preview tells me nothing about the map, if you suck at discriptions then could youat least show a top down veiw of the map
It's a PREVIEW, not an actual thread. He isn't releasing the map, it's just to spark interest among the Forgehub community, and quite frankly, I think he did a wonderful job in sparking interest in me.
That was so rude. If you suck at social skills, don't post. The map looks fantastic, I like the use of the environment. Good job!
The map looks fantastic, I like the use of the environment. Good job![/QUOTE] This map use 4 kind of environement ( A dock or the beach , The Cayon , Halo CE feeling room or Red Room and The Edge or Blue room) each environement got a power weapon .....Oupss to much of info !!!!
I will do the official post after the launch of the DEFIANT map pack . And you will see more about this map pack !
looks cool. recommend that you take careful consideration of HOW you will be posting the map pack itself. if you post the whole map pack in one thread, chances are that people will skim over the whole thing and not care, or only download one and not all of the maps. when i posted a map pack a while back, i separated each map into its own thread, and linked the threads together via the graphics in the threads, and the titles of the threads. doing this might help people notice it more and avoid it being overlooked.
Good Sugestion , i was thinking about something like this but you clear my way to post this map pack. Tomorrow new pics for the second map Space Dementia !
I like the looks of it, no complaints there, but I'd reccomend some name changes. Muse is a great band, but a map name should be something relevant to the map itself. Megalomania means "self obsession," which doesn't really represent the map well. Same with Space Dementia.