Mega-Wishlist for Halo 5 Custom Game Options

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by theSpinCycle, Oct 29, 2015.

  1. Lunatic Lawyer

    Lunatic Lawyer Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Grenade regeneration and different kill-type scoring (only sticks count, for example)
  2. Sn1p3r C

    Sn1p3r C Halo 3 Era
    Creative Force

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    A live spectate mode (or spectate as party leader) that would carry on to the next game.

    Basically, spectate as it already exists, but live, and the camera controlling player would have no collision with the game.

    This would be enourmously helpful for playtests, as the person coordinating the tests could manage the lobby and watch the gameplay without being an awkward 8th person who has already seen the maps a dozen times.

    So maybe it's not spectator, but rather "Supervisor" mode, which can be turned on and off by the Party Leader.
  3. Kell Of Scots

    Kell Of Scots Legendary
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    The ability to make invasion with the gametypes.

    The tweaking of capture times for individual zones I.e capure For A hill is 20 seconds, B Hill is 17 and C Hill is 21 etc.

    Hide Stronghold Machine Column thing

    Custom Power Up!!!!!

    Remove infinate ammo from flagnum

    Death effects I.e grunt birthday, exploding after death etc

    Slide can be trigged by thrusting instead of sprinting.

    Thruster distance tweaking, not just speed, and they shouldnt be tied together as they are now.

    Weapon Highlight on/off (highlights on map weapons, grenades and pick-ups can be swithced off)

    Force Disable assassination animation for all players.

    Disable Spread reduction for Smart linking automatic weapons.

    Allow for all warzone items to be used in forge. It would allow for better vehicle gameplay, The tougher vehicles in Forge would help squad settings and BTB!

    Custom Folders for file browser. Ie Forgers can save a Map and its specific gametype into one folder.
    Sam likes this.

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