Some of the best Mega 64 videos. Hilarious!
Yeah, I actually just watched all these yesterday. Most are incredibly hilarious. A few of the games I didn't know, some I had never even heard off. But honestly these guys might have to much time on their hands.
My favorite was the Resident Evil 4 one with the black market guy. I love how similar he acts to earlier games and repeats phrases "Whadda ya buy'n?". Also, the peoples reactions to him are priceless. The guy who's (smoking I think?) is actually having a conversation with him. The Tetris one wasn't the best in my opinion. I thought it would have been better if one guy was in a tetris costume and another person layed down on him as if they were actual tetris pieces.
I loved the RE4 one, Luigi's Mansion (the end when everyone just thought he was a retard), Dead Rising, and Tetris.