I read somewhere in the forum the idea to create a gametype for medieval battles, so i realized it. This gametype is based on 3 balanced classes: Knight,Paladin and Archer. Knight The Knight is a balanced class that has both defensive and offensive strategies; He is equipped with a Sword(Energy Sword) and a Shield(Hardlight Shield); Strong against Archers; Weak against Paladins; His shield is unlimited. Paladin Assault Class; He is equipped with an Hammer(Gravity Hammer) and a Rock(Plasma Grenade); Has unlimited sprint; his hammer can overcome the shields; Strong against Knights; Weak against Archers. Archer Long ranged class; Equipped with a Bow(Railgun) and a Quiver(Ammo Perk); Strong against Paladins; Weak against Knights. I really enjoyed playing this gametype, so i shown this to you. Gameplay Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=z3xtriodLa8#!
Hey I was wondering if you could post the exact specifications of the game type, this looks really fun is all
Looks like a ton of fun! You might want to disable weapon pickup, though, so players stick to their initial loadouts.
Yeah, I put up the thread for the idea. And wow, that was quick for someone to jump on that. That's really really neat how the hammer can overcome a shield. It makes it like rock, paper, scissors in that way. Anyway, we gotta collaborate. I'm online now as I have posted this.
Definitely want to disable weapon pick-up, disable all ordnance except personal, and use personal for power-ups only. That way players are forced to play the class they chose until they die, and so you don't get players running around with incineration cannons. You'll probably want infinite ammo on though, so maybe swap the Ammo perk for Sensor, giving the archers better awareness. Looks fun though.