"Mech Assault 3.0" beta now available for download!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by ELR561, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. ELR561

    ELR561 Forerunner

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    im releasing the final stage of the beta for Mech Assault for download. i've listened to all the comments, watched all the videos, and this is what i got. i.ve always been an aesthetics builder first but with this one i wanted to do my best at balancing aesthetics with game play. so please give me your harshest criticism as i would like to release the final build by next week. this is a 4v4 map with 2 game types, slayer, and VIP. yes VIP. credit goes to Aeoss for the VIP game type. i wanted to create a lot more game types but 343's lack of game type options rendered all my ideas useless... anyway here it is. use it, abuse it, and let me know what you think.

    the map and the two game types are up on my file share along with some pics.
    GT: YardonaHardlong

    for those familiar with the map will notice the added cover to all the high ground platforms. my biggest concern is if these areas are over powered. my last play test didn't show this to be a problem but i only did one test and have added a couple pieces since then.

    here are some updated pics.





    preview thread: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-4-forge-discussion/142092-mech-assault.html
    #1 ELR561, Nov 21, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2012
  2. J4G3RM31ST3R

    J4G3RM31ST3R Promethean

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    nice man! I had a lot of fun testing this map. especially the CTF, theres nothing like trying to dodge manti with a hog :haha:
  3. Fragsturbait

    Fragsturbait Forerunner

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    Love Love Love that structure in the middle of the map. What a creative use of Impact pieces. How did you build the fence things at the back of the maps? You can see them best in the last picture, the structures on the left side. Those look simply amazing.

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