3 of my teammates quit the game. One had bad connection and the other 2....Idk So I was alone. I wasn't quitting. I want that 7777 credit jackpot. I went up against them. Slayer DMRs. I chose armour lock. Should of switched to jetpack but was too busy trash-talking. They were hogging the power weapons. I was giving them all I got. I only lost by a small margin. Here is the video. It is un-rendered. btw I got the jackpot after the game. ^_^ Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Here are the game stats: http://www.bungie.net/stats/reach/gamestats.aspx?guid=2684856506986340469 DNF means they quit early or quit before the game started. I assume the other team was full of boosters considering their rank and the fact that they were corner camping with the shotgun, sword and camping the cuncussion rifle spawn.