I was playing a Matchmaking game in MLG, it was CTF on Onslaught. I'm a 31 in MLG. That's the legit, Fearitself, my favorite MLG Pro. And I had the sweet pleasure of kicking his ass. :lol: EDIT: I should mention that Fearitself was traded to Final Boss, which may explain why he wasn't playing with his team in Matchmaking.
you didnt really kick his ass, you only just about won him, but great that you actually got to play him
He had two flag caps, I had four. So I won, and I kicked his ass because I out BR'd him. I was actually supposed to have five, but I was running the flag, (Picking it up and dropping, you know) and right when I got back to my base I was running it in and I dropped it to pick it up again and my teammate stole it and ran it in. Haha it's still kinda funny thinking about it.
Nice! I've never actually played a Pro, only watched people who have. Save the film and maybe once I get my capture card set up I can record the game for you. EDIT: Btw, I'm a 32 in MLG as well, how'd you play with a Pro if you're only a 31? Was he playing with lower level people in his party?
I dont even know any MLG players so i may have played some, i just dont really care. Nice job however.
Which is why that is not Fearitself. When he changes his name it allows other people to make that name and could be anyone. It is possible that it could be him but most likely he would've changed his name already.
like said before, thats not Fearitself. His new gt is FB FearLtself. Also u shoulda though of that when u wer a 30 in MLG. Also its xbl, even with that though, he raped me when i met him and SK in playlist =(. But at least i beat Anarchy lol
You know they're only pro because they have the time to make a team and travel to place to play in tournaments and win. If you did that I'm pretty sure you could also be called a pro.
this is definitely not true. there are thousands of H3 players that are trying to get to the pro level. They go to most events and play in the open bracket and stuff like that. yet there is only room for 64 Halo 3 pros out of all those players that try it. The reason they are pro is just b/c they are simply better than the rest. And that skill is what gets them their sponsorships which allows them to go to events in the first place. please know your junk b4 you post
wow thats crazy! I wish i could play with an MLG pro :/ Especially Neighbor. He is my favorite. But still, thats ****ing crazy! haha and good job winning mayne!
I out BRed the best BR in the league when i wasn't even warmed up and playing on my correct sensitivity, it was hilarious, my team lost but it was funny, i play on 3 sens, i was playing on 6 that day for some reason.. every time they talked about how godly his BR was on the vegas championship feed my ego grew that much bigger, it was like popping 5 Viagra but for my confidence instead. This is entirely false. They are pro because they are the best of the best. they are pro because there mental skill and teamwork are far superior to the majority. They are pro because they understand the game better than anyone.
Nice job kicking the pro's ass. Maybe it was because his team sucked and yours was good. A picture showing the stats would be greatly appreciated =) Who went more positive, him or you?
i don't see how beating someone is considered great. I find this a waste of a screenshot post. Not important at all. I beat people all the time yet i don't brag like your doing right now.