Hey all, just thought I'd put my skills to work for the benefit of the community. Just holla if you want my services and give me every detail you can think of! [EDIT] I put a new pic of one thing i made, because i think people probably underestimate me, but I am quite good with photoshop (I just tend to make alot more things from complete scratch) AIM(if im not online): Saaayfoool
Hey Wallpaper Abyss is a great site for very unique Images. If you like to create graphics then check out this site. And i was also wondering if you could create me a sig please. Idea: Sniper GamerTag: SnakeEyes U74 Texture: Smooth/ Blend Colors: Urban or Digital Camo Games: Ghost recon Advanced WarFighter 2, Rainbow Six Vegas 2, Call of Duty 4, Call of duty WaW, Frontlines Fuel of War. Quotes: "Modivated, Dedicated, Lethal" "When Called Upaun, it's what you don't see that kills you" "The Swift, The Silent, The Deadly" "In the end, everybody bleeds the same." I am pretty good with quotes and sig ideas. let me know what your going to do.
Hey I think I like the quote "the swift, the silent, the deadly" and I'll probably use RS:V2 stock and digital camo