If someone makes an actual map out of this it would be soo good. This picture is pretty funny. Good work.
Umm... wow. You must have been REALLY bored. I mean, really, really, bored. Usually it's time to get off of Halo before something like that happens....
They way that the eyes are red, they are literally "The Devils Candy" I just have one simple question- OH GOD WHY!? what inspired you to take the time to forge a giant man....well....you know.... You were just bored and felt like doing that? just....wow....
Not to my taste. And I really don't want to know if it is to your taste. Inventive? Yes Slightly worrying? Yes Good job though, even though it's a weird thing to do, must have taken a lot of work. 8/10
Nicely made, but yea very strange and rabit, it stands for bad kid like as in he is a bk at halo. It's mostly used in halo not really any other game.