Something i made in forge today when i was really bored. I send it to bk's XD Please Enjoy, feel free to download, rate, and comment here.
Wow...just wow.This is so wierd yet awsome.No I am not gay.Nice forging though and I had a good lol off of it.
I bet the guy is like "Look, no hands!" and the dog is like "ZOMG RAPE" Nice forging, and nice idea. You may get banned though, 4/5
Hmm, well this is very awkward. Beastiality in halo 3. Very, very weird. Good job on creating it by the way.
Rofl my waffle wow this is well this is quite strange at least as far as for halo forgeing lol but still great forgeing 4.5/5
I am almost speechless right now. That is just wrong. Wrong in a "Holy Sh*t" kind of way. This has to be the most shocking and awkward map I have seen by far. You could have posted this in the Aesthetic Maps section. Lol. I'm sorry for my lack of knowledge to this, but what does BK stand for? Visitor message me pls.
LOL "Might" be innappropriate.. Didn't really find it funny though to be honest.. I miss my immaturity :'[ R
very good and funny - 5/5 you should modify it so its " a farmer and his sheep" cuz not too many people have gay dog but sex P.S. its not all that