My map called McDonalds I made look like McDonalds it can be used for any gametype sorry i dont have any screenshots of it heres the link to cheak it out my gamertag is kawa122
You need screenshots to post a map, we don't know if its cool or not. get a account, its free, and take your pics while online. The pics are sent to the accout, then you can delete the screenshots on your xbox. and you can upload them onto forge hub. hope I helped. Peace.
He does need pictures You actually are not selling a product, rather putting up a work to be viewed by the community and to be distributed or rather downloaded by whoever wants it for free.
it doesn't sound good a lot of maps are like "Burger King" or "McDonalds" or "In 'n' out"(california fast food chain) or "KFC" or "Whataburger"(texas and surronding states fast food chain" etc. dont make maps like that, and add PICS
Your thread does not meet our posting standards and has been locked after neglect. Half the replies in this thread are worthless. OP, repost once you have the screens.