McCain's acceptance speech

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by stouf761, Sep 4, 2008.

  1. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    dude, this is actually an important issue. but if you are not mature enough to have a conversation about the next president of the united states, one that will most likely have a great effect on the country with all the issues today, then just dont post. no need to spam up the thread with unintelligent comments.
    Camoflaug and DrawingMan like this.
  2. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    QFT, if you didn't take the views into mind you would see that McCain has terrible speaking prowess. And wow, his name is in spell check.
  3. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    I found McCain's speech very interesting, as I did Obama's, and Palin's. Palin's was the best out of all of them, though. I can't believe she is higher in the popular polls, than Obama and McCain!
  4. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    A fact that has me TERRIFIED. If that woman winds up in office, I am leaving the country. I didn't think it would be possible to find someone MORE conservative than Bush, but I think we found her.

    Speaking of conservatives, I am inclined to agree with stouf on his stance about Republicans and Bush's relation to the party. Bush and his cronies are not true republicans; they are neo-conservatives. True Republicans are hard to come by these days, believe it or not. It's almost as if the Rep party has gone off the deep end in to neo-con territory, and the Dems have moved into the position of where the Reps used to be. So yes, they are both conservative parties, just one is WAY more so.
  5. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    that's how i am most the time. if you look for just a second you find that neither candidate is how they appear at face value. their a lot more ugly under their skin (now, that was a metaphor kids, try to keep up). as for your final comments, i agree that that will keep at least a few hundred voters from voting obama. even though we have abolished slavery and have made several laws illegalizing forms of racism, america truly still is a racist country.

    btw communist party, i would describe now as a good time to go ahead and step up to the plate

    ^^ once again, the problem with american politics. thanks for giving me examples to work with toochie. now since some of you may not be able to see things in front of you, i'll make it more obvious.

    Exhibit A (in italics): The average and the bulk mass of Americans have little to no in depth education about the candidates and their policies. They only know that one is republican and one is a democrat. And they'll probably vote the way they were pressured into believing as a child either by their parents or their peers (so their peer's parents). I have a friend named Sarah who strongly lies with the democrats (now kids this doesn't mean she sleeps with them, it means she agrees with them), and is a very idependent thinker, but really she believes the way she was raised. I was raised republican, I'm not going to lie. But the side I choose is neutrality. I don't believe in myself enough to think that I will cast the right vote, so I solely rely on informing others enough so that they can cast the right vote. That means I will argue their side no matter what. Growing up all around democrats, I had to argue republican a lot more often. So really I just argue against the problems in the politics system and against candidates and their policies. Not really FOR anyone.

    Exhibit B as a side not (underlined): You shouldn't care. You should be headstrong in your political opinion and not easily swayed by things like how your parents or friends believe. You should also have facts behind why you believe that way though.

    Exhibit C (bold): Perhaps the worst thing corrupting our system is propaganda, stereotypes, and other such media twistings. Whoever can get their hands on a mic will send you whatever crap they want, and feed it to America. It's not their problem. You eat it. See in this election it's truly horrible because propaganda is so strong. McCain is made into some stupid republican who is too old to know what he's doing, and Barrack is made into some black superman (not to be racist).

    And since I'm on a "America rant", why not through this in: I shouldn't have to say "not to be racist." You might say "well then just don't" but if I didn't, then I'd having annoying people all over me. What is and is not racism is SO screwed up right now. Political correctness has gone too far. Simply mentioning a minority is not racism. Also I should be able to identify a person as a black person, without someone calling me a racist. Racism is back when they used to hang, lynch, and torture people based solely on their minority, with no reason or back up evidence. Making a joke about a minority I'd agree is racist, but doesn't need to be censored. And it shouldn't even make them angry. We should all be able to say "hey, I'm white, and I agree the average white person can't dance," or whatever without freaking out. Stereotypes are just generalization, and we don't always get pissy about those. If you had 23 chocolate cakes and 1 white one, you wouldn't refer to them as "23 and one white." You probably wouldn't even call them "mah cacks". You'd probably just say "some chocolate cakes." And then would someone run up and say "that's an overgeneralization about cakes?" The answer is "no" to you "smarty" kids. You probably still think its funny to answer your teacher's rhetoric questions in class the wrong way. Mature a little.

    Also nobody EVER gets mad when someone uses a "good" stereotype about a race. No one gets mad when you say "all black people are good at basket ball." So shouldn't it be the same both ways? The answer is yes by the way, annoying kids. You gotta have it both ways, and that's all there is too it good sirs. This time you HAVE to have your cake and eat it too. You can't just have it. And you can't just eat it. Maybe think about it next time before you lecture your friend for telling a black joke. Maybe you'll tell the black joke. I'd give you a thumbs up and a wink.

    /America rant.
  6. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    yes obama is the true winner not only do i think mc cain is full of bs obama has such a sick background story of when he was a kid and junk.... its pretty sick i suggest people reseach it....
  7. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    Me as well. However, I truly do believe in this case that Obama can lead us to a better tomorrow, and that McCain, and especially now that that crazy person Palin is onboard, will just make us backtrack even further in to feudal mindsets like the Bush administration has done. Seriously; look up some of the **** that Palin supports and decries. I guarantee that if you are an open minded individual and not a blind follower of propaganda and FauxNews, then you will realized why the prospect of her in a high office is horrifying.
    squidhands likes this.
  8. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    To me it appears that you're afraid because they are conservative. Not because of their policies or anything.

    And as for camoflaug, I know my post was long, but please read it. Especially the part about the media and how it affects your opinion (I think it's under exhibit C)
  9. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    No. I am afraid because they are so anti-choice. Palin believes that abortion should not be allowed EVEN in the case of rape or incest. She believes that creationism should be taught in ALL public schools right alongside the "idea" that she calls evolution. She believes that homosexuals should never have the right to marriage. She refuses to acknowledge that we humans are having a negative affect on the environment and that we contribute to global warming. She believes that the polar bears shouldn't be on the endangered species list due to the fact that protecting them and their environment would encroach on her supporters' abilities to drill for oil and natural gas in the bears' habitat. She believes that the Iraq War is "God's task." She opposes all forms of sex education and birth control except for abstinence-only "education." She has tried to ban books from libraries in Alaska, and when a certain librarian objected, Palin threatened to fire her. Palin has NO idea how to run a large scale government were their camp elected and McCain were to die of old age. Her only political experiences are city council in a backwater town in Alaska, Mayor of said backwater town, and has been governor for two years, which barely makes her qualified for an office as high as the Vice Presidency. People say Obama is inexperienced, but compared to Palin, he is a veteran. Need I go on?

    She has done some good things, such as raising taxes on Big Oil's profits, but the good she has done is far overshadowed by the things that I listed and others that I haven't even begun to talk about.

    'John McCain was clear about why he picked half-term Alaska governor Sarah Palin to be his running mate. "I found someone with an outstanding reputation for standing up to special interests and entrenched bureaucracies," he said in introducing her in Dayton, Ohio, on Friday.' - Time Magazine article. And he says that like it's a good thing.

    THAT, my friends, is why I am afraid of Sarah Palin.
  10. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    I'm enjoying reading this, but I want to put three guidelines in this thread to make it more orderly.

    1. If you are going to be ignorant of other's ideas, dont post.

    2. Please do not post anything along the lines of "[candidate] sucks...[candidate 2] is obviusly the only good one. Blah blah all [party] members are dumbasses" if it is less than 3 lines and without support
  11. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    Have you ever asked what means Obama wants to execute this "change"

    You would follow blindly just to get out of a Depression, sometimes it's better to fight it out then go to a radical person.

    Let me name a few instances in History where this "young, change invoking leader came into power"

    Fidel Castro
    Adolf Hitler (not so young but change invoking yes)
    Hugo Chavez
    Joseph Stalin
    Benito Musolini
    Hideki Tojo

    Hmm... interesting list going on there...

    I kid you not, I would question first Obama's means of inspiring "world change" before we dive headfirst...
  12. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    Vladimir Lenin was a great man. The legacy he left behind however...not so great. I've heard these claims before, and frankly and historically speaking, there is some credit to the claims. Which kinda has me a bit nervous in the back of my mind, but not to the point where it will change my vote. I believe that Obama has no ill will in mind. Just judging from what he has said and what his actions have been.
  13. Randle Scandal

    Randle Scandal Ancient
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    Yeah that was a bit of my bad, I meant Joseph Stalin, but I put down Vladimir Lenin instead.

    Also people didn't really believe that Fidel Castro had ill will in mind either, he was a young leader that would inspire the country to become equal.

    Sadly it was equal in poverty, equal in the lack of rights. It was not a good situation.
  14. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    But at this point in time people realize that while Communism sounds like a great idea, and it is in theory, it doesn't work at all when applied to true life situations. Obama is a Democrat. That is far from Communist. Although, your point is true and I do agree with you. We'll just have to keep an eye on our new prospective leader, as we should always do. For it is the people's duty to make sure their government is working in their best interests.
  15. NeverlessWonder

    NeverlessWonder Ancient
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    Lol. I cannot believe you just added Obama to the list of the world's worst leaders and murderers. Wow.
    But you forgot someone on that list there. George W. Bush.

    Anyway, I've long since lost faith in America. There are just too many things wrong at a fundamental level to hope that one president is gonna "make it all k."

    If you want to know what I'm talking about or where I'm coming from, read "The Assault on Reason" by Al Gore. It's a great summation on the things currently wrong with this country.
  16. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    No, I don't think it was moving actually. A moving speech is one that incites emotions within people. One that brings the best out. I don't see how a speech that promises more of the same **** we have dealt with over the past 8 years is moving. If you want to talk about this, start a group of young republicans like the opposite of my group, and talk about how moving you find the 72 year old man there. Otherwise you are just going to get a lot of negative comments.
  17. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Have you asked the same of McCain? Because quite frankly, Obama has divulged more information about his "change" than McCain has, considerably.

    You know what's funny....Bush said he was going to cause "change" in Washington as well....and look where that got us.
  18. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Most of them brought their country to greatness...

    Hitler got rid of unemployment, Musolini made Italy econimically wealthy and Stalin created a superpower.

    That list kinda makes Obama look better. While they may have done terrible deeds to people, they did make their countries feared, powerful and wealthy.

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