This is my Mcdonalds. This will show how cheap stores can get.Theres a parking lot,Drive Thru, TV, Grill(of DOOM)/counter,tables,1 man bathroom(cheap managers!),A baby change area and sinks,cold storage,a secret weapon area,and a stair way to HEAVEN(or roof). Weapons: Sentinel Plasma Energy sword Beam Rifle Spartan Rockets Equipment: Flame Grans Trip Mines Radar Overview Tables Parking Lot Bathroom(look left) Cold Storage
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This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines
Yea.....i dont like either but i love these kind of maps.....and this thread does not need anymore reminders that it is not up to standards.
Sentinel? Flame Grans? Spartan Rockets? Radar? Plasma? Plasma what? Radars are standard! what's a gran? Is there a secret way of spawning a sentinel that i dont know about? Please fix stuff like that!
there are too many maps like mcdonalds and burger king... come up with something original... like KFC! lol