Download map This is a remake of a life-size Mc Donald's restaurant. It has a bathroom, a kitchen, some dinner tables, an attic and a parking lot. In the kitchen there is a stove and a hamburger rack thingy, where you put the hamburgers. In the back of the building is the drive through. A careless kid has kicked a happy-meal toy up on the roof. Another kid managed to get a spartan laser up there too. In the attic is a sniper, a BR and some other weapons, along with some wire spools and scenery. The map was first intended to be a "fun-map", but it would be boring without any weapons, and soon it became a fully playable "casual map". I recommend using one sided objective game types, though it is set up for all game types(Remember; it's a fun-map/made to be fun and look cool. It can also be used for making movies). Up to 16 players may play on this map. But I recommend a party of 6-12 people. It took me 25 hours to build the map. Enjoy! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download map
this map doesnt look like a mcdonalds, it could be any resaurant. You should have made the golden arches to show it is a mcdonalds, or interlock two "A" signs to make them look like a sign with a M. The drive thru is a nice feature though
My playing of this game, toying with my second controller, an account a friend never recovered off my box, and the theater: "...I'll have a double cheeseburger, small fries, a shake, and...why are you pointing that Needler at me? Ma'am, I don't appreciate your attitude..." This customer was never seen again.
I like it! If you're looking at this, just edit your thread and take out the width=800 height=600 in your IMG tags. The new forum software, vBulletin, will resize and provide a link to the enlarged version automatically if its too big when you post. I know you created the thread on the old forums, so no biggie
this doesn't even look like a mc donalds the pics don't work so This Map post does not meet the standards. Please read this topic on how to properly post maps. I am sure your map is good so please follow the guidelines so we can find out too!
ATTENTION:: I can't log in as snowmanswexj. My new user will be:: sweman Aww the pics has stopped to work WTF! I've fixed: -ps: check out my new map: Water Hazard