Download Map Required Game Variant: Build This is a very original map based on the mazes that many people have made. As you may have noticed, the maze is the same everytime, so if you played the map before, you may remember the way through. In Mazebuilder, the maze is generated by players. The players try to make it as hard as possible, so the other team can't get through within the round time limit (5 minutes). The way mazebuilder works (requires the variant) is: at the start of each round, players are split into two even teams. Both teams spawn in the Foundry "locker room" on there side of the map. One team is trapped in there by a teleporter wall for 30 seconds (note: it is possible to escape, however, your team mates will be penalized for it and have to stay in there longer than normal, your ability to escape, forces builder to setup quickly), the other team can quickly exit by the ramp in front of their "locker room" to allow them to start setting up the maze. The builders team are all orange and can operate vehicles. They have many vehicles in front of their base, wherever these are moved, a "wall" is created that the other team must walk around. They also have a selection of weapons and equipment. Based on where they place vehicles, pieces of level geometry are generated overtime, adding to the builder's maze. Builders can use vehicles to splatter players, or use a custom powerup to allow them to shoot runners. They need to defend the custom powerup at their "locker room" because if a runner reaches it, they'll be able to easily kill builders. For this reason, it can be strategically useful for the builders to use assault rifle spawns throughout the map to scatter weapons, and keep them away from the runners. As a runner, you'll find yourself spawning in a jail. Here you'll get a chance to choose a piece of equipment to use when you go through the maze that can help you, the available pieces of equipment, and there uses on this map are: Bubble Shield-Creates a shield, protecting you from builders trying to shoot you or your teammates. Regenerator-Heals people, not very useful unless you get through the maze and want to make sure you survive to kill all the builders yourself Grav Lift-Allows you to jump or move some walls, often very useful Deployable Cover-Can save your life if a builder trys to splatter you. Combined with a team mates grav lift, it can allow you to get higher by jumping on it, then falling forward Once you get out of your jail, you'll enter a special room on your side of the map, this was designed to make spawn camping impossible. From here, just fall the "A" signs to the teleporters. Fall in, and you'll come out of one of possible maze entry points. From here, you'll have to find your way through the enemy teams base to the custom powerup at their locker room. Pick it up, and gain the access to easily kill builders. When you kill a builder, they'll join your team. Once all builders are killed, you'll win. If you let the time run out, however, you can allow the builders to win. To really enjoy this map, make sure everyone understand how to play. The basics of it is, one team builds a maze, the other team must get through. I hope you enjoy Mazebuilder, and be sure to take a look at the screenshots I captured below from one of the tests. Note: that if you tested the map, it may not have worked in your test, however over many other tests and edits to the mode and game, I have now been able to complete a working, publishable version of the map. Screenshots: Overview-Before Builders Start to Make a Maze The Soccer Ball Signals the Release of the Runners-Builders Have Built Some of Their Maze Builders Maze-A Little Farther Ingame Same Maze-Farther Ingame Again Inside the Runner Anti-Spawn Camp Building
Yeah, I need a little clarification on that, too. Also, do you want the trapped team to be able to escape? If not, try completely sealing the room and having a teleporter spawn X seconds into the game to release them.
the maze builds itself depending how you place objects. this map is awesome, its sometimes hard for the defenders, but i think that was cuz we only had a few people
you dont need to know how it works, just how to play it you have 30 seconds to place your vehicles to block off areas, then you can keep placing vehicles, but the guys are trying to get thru the maze to get the custom powerup so they can kill you...its basically a maze that you the player make, and not in forge
They kinda go hand in hand. What I was wondering was is the maze made out of vehicles or spawning boxes or both? You need to explain this a little better if you want my download. I think I like whats going on here but I'm not exactly sure how to play this.
Thanks, Insane. Alex, I know I could completely seal the room, however I put it like this on purpose. If the attackers work together, they can escape a little early, however, if they do this, some of the players will be stuck in there longer. 30 seconds isn't very long, and it's usually actually easier for the attackers if they wait, then all go together. Also, if you wait, a dumpster will spawn that allows you to get out for the rest of the game. If you don't wait, you have to have someone block the teleporter for you, every time you want to get out, which can make you trapped in there for a while if you get killed. Mooregames, based on where you place the vehicles, and how quickly you do, there are many little pieces of level geometry built into the map that will be automatically generated. This makes it a little bit easier for the defenders, and is mostly for small parties. If you only have 4 people, only two will be able to build the maze. When this happens, a lot of geometry is automatically generated to complete their maze. When you have 8 builders the whole maze is pretty much just from the vehicles they place.
The only way possible for the attackers to get over a vehicle is by using a deployable grav lift. It's still really hard to get over a Wraith though. Basically, and vehicle is a wall to them, since they can't walk through it, jump over it, or move it. Since the defenders could just make an impenetrable wall, the attackers have equipment they can use to make getting through the maze easier.
It does, it's been tested many times. Another map I've made might actually be a little more original. Thanks, but could you do me a favor and post something on the bungie thread while your there? It has 0 replies and feels very sad.
very original. if wasn't blocked here i'd queue it, but for now you just have the promis that i'll do it when I get home. I'll try this out, but the concept seems like a very good idea.
Thanks. Insane, thanks, I had forgot to check if you can still jump over the ghost. The ghost can still be useful though, because you can use it splatter, or stack it easily on other vehicles to reinforce your walls. Capitaine, if bungie's blocked, this site will probably be blocked for you soon too.
If you spawn on as what Halo calls a "human" your a builder, move the vehicles and place the weapons and equipment to setup a difficult maze the other team needs to get through. If your on the the "zombies" team, your a runner, get throught the other teams maze and pickup the custom powerup at their locker room. Once you get it, you can kill them easily with your pistol or get another weapon that is more effective against whatever they decided to do.
I remeber testing this with you. At first I didnt really like it because I didnt know what to do. But then it got fun after knowing how everything works and what I was suppose to be doing.
It does take a little time to understand how to play. I'm glad that you did take the time to figure it out and enjoy it. I was playing against someone the other day who was a zombie who wouldn't listen to me when I told him we weren't playing infection. He just went around trying to get kills and got killed.