REMOVED Maybe... maybe I won't have the thread locked for this. Maybe if you bother looking at the picture, Mr. Moderator, and understanding my intentions, you won't lock the thread. 19 suicides. -23 spread. Do what you want with the information. Honestly, I've got nothing against this person. I don't know them. All I know is that they were ruining the game for a few people and I'd like it if it didn't happen to anybody on here. AND FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD DON'T LOCK MY THREAD. I'M TRYING TO DO EVERYONE THAT PLAYS IN MATCHMAKING A FAVOR HERE.
We have rules for a reason and it's not that they're meant to be broken. However noble (lolno) your intentions this is not appropriate as you have been told before. This in no way avoids "picking on a random person on the Internet" by adding a picture.