Excuse the slight delay on the posting of this. Nevertheless, it's time for you to vote for your favourite map! 8 O'Clock Reminiscence Apollo Carbonite Ender Hive Our Daily Bread Perplex Tyrene Boulevard Voting end Monday June 3rd at 12:00 A.M Feel free to discuss each map. Just remember to place your vote! ~Chron
Definitely Our Daily Bread. Such an awesome and outstanding map. The best Linear map in Halo 4, one of the best Flood maps in Halo 4. Never a dull game, always fast paced, action packed and team based experiences! Yummy. Bread.
Our Daily Bread, gonna go with a casual map for once Really the best linear flood map I've seen on Halo 4 yet, good job, Elliot :]
Whats the actual point of having discussion in the voting thread? Doesn't it turn into even more of a circle jerk? I'm still voting, I just don't see the point of telling everyone what you're voting for. The nominations are a more appropriate place to do that IMO.
Don't know if this changed since I left but are we supposed to see the results after we vote? It didn't use to be that way.
Yeah, that's an issue that was brought up with the introduction of VB4 and like many things, we haven't been able to fix it due to a lack of root access. It's a little annoying but we're just going to have to deal with it until we can get Shock or Kajin online to change it.
The voting period is going to be a little shorter this time just so we can stay on schedule for the June edition of FHF. In saying that, the voting period will end on Monday June 3rd at 12:00 am. I'll add that to the original post.
[cough]shameless advertising[/cough] Congratulations nonetheless, fellas. Deadborough was fun in Reach, so I imagine 8OR is too, Remmy.
It certainly is, it's actually better than Deadborough! Deadborough had one building (The tower) that was a lot higher than the other buildings, thus gave the players camping on the roof a huge advantage when fighting the horde. Even though a man cannon would spawn in at some point allowing the zombies a different, direct access way to the roof, it was still a great way to survive for the majority of a round. I'm not saying the other strongholds sucked, but this one was, at least according to most people, superior. In 8OR that has been fixed, all buildings are now equally balanced.