Map 1 Name: Babd Catha Gametype: BTB Strongholds Just resubmitting since last week didn't have enough players to yield good results (partially my fault, since I fell asleep). Also as a side note, the maps name comes from Halo lore. Just clarifying since there seemed to be some confusion about that. Map 2 Name: Conflux Gametype: Classic CTF Testing perf on an art pass overhaul.
GT: The Xzamplez Map: Sweet Spot Gametypes: 4v4 Slayer, 4v4 Oddball, 4v4 Strongholds Changes: More spawn points to allow team spawning, and adjusted some heavily weighted spawns/Opened up ramp into lift room/Narrowed the tele reciever platform, so players know when someone (Max) is standing on it/More detailing in some places. Link:
Map: Red Giant Gametype: HCS Slayer (4v4) Changes: Covered tele exit area sides and pulled top tele exit towards center pit to eliminate ability to camp exits. Added jump up from mid to upper hallway. Changed sentinel beam to scatter and rail to binary. Lots of aesthetic upgrades.
Gamertag ARC1T3CTZ Map name BARRENS v2 Map LINK 4v4 slayer A dynamic element has been introduced with help from bleach who built and scripted it.its a trap door underneath O.V which can only be blown up. Via the land mine under neath the floor which drops O.V to the bottom floor. Any feed back on player interactions with the trap door welcome Which areas felt weaker or stronger than others and wy Bottom mid has a bunch of Thurst jump routes to counter top mid Where the routes obvious once u new what to look for? How do u feel about the shotgun on the map? Map name. sight lines v3 Map link 4v4 slayer New block out all feedback welcome
Gamertag: GrayishPoppy210 Map name: Sanctum4 Game type: 4v4 hcs slayer (contest gametype) Link: Note: almost completely different layout to sanctum2 (from last week). There were to many problems with that layout so I've started again keeping only the theme the same. In it's current state this is really a blockout (except for some art pieces carried over from previous map) so I can edit layout easier before arting it up. Things to consider: What are your first impressions? General thoughts on gameplay, spawning, sightlines and weapons. Are any areas better or worse? Where does gameplay seem to focus? Why? Thanks.
GT: The Xzamplez Map: Proven Gametypes: 4v4 Slayer, 4v4 Oddball Link:
Gamertag: Sikamikanico Map: Brimstone Gametypes: 4v4 Slayer/Strongholds/Oddball Link: Map Download Right now, big concerns around framerate - particularly from Sniper looking back into the map. Likely caused by lighting setup. Willing to explore different ideas to reduce that issue. Looking for feedback on weapon set up/spawning and the various lines of sight. Is the Sniper too powerful? Is the exposed route to obtain it too risky? Is the fire theme cool? Would the map be better better served with a more naturally lit theme instead? <3
GamerTag: lNeedMoreBleach. Map: Transit BU12 Gametype: 4v4 Hcs Slayer, 4v4 Hcs strongholds. feedback: all feed back. note: Sorry i forgot to update my post last week but i hope you'll enjoy this version. number 12.
@Max Extra - please pull Hourglass from tonight's lineup. I am moving so my Internet won't be working tonight and I can't attend. =( In any case, I have a newer version of the map with some significant changes, so I'll join you again in a few weeks with that one!
Gamertag: Knowbodhi Map: Pi (beta) Gametype: extermination Notes: This is a bare bones blockout. Would primarily like feedback on spawns, flow, and sightlines.
GT: The Xzamplez Map: Proven Gametypes: Slayer, Oddball, Strongholds Changes: Removed lift tele/removed one speedboost, moved the other/took OS off weapon pad/adjusted sniper area platforms for easier jumping/other small geometry changes
Gamertag: GrayishPoppy210 Map name: Sanctum8 Game type: 4v4 hcs slayer (contest gametype) Link: Key Changes: -red side/corridor revamped -some changes around OS/mid -brought in middle room a bit -the gate (you'll see) -more minor sightline and geometry changes throughout -sword is now hydra? -named locations added Feedback wanted: -Is the framerate mainly gone? -Hydra? (Was recommended instead of sword) Thanks for the test as usual.
Any chance we can add one more to the list for tonight? Gamertag: TimeDipper Map: Arena 2.7 (HaloWaypoint Link) Gametype: Single Elimination (HaloWaypoint Link) Players: 10+ (16 if possible but not required) Notes: This is a Single Elimination Tournament Arena. Looking to playtest this for the first time with a higher player count to see if scripting breaks. I would like to participate in the playtest. Looking for feedback regarding framerate, overall fun factor as well as other suggestions the lobby might have. The fighting spaces have generic pyramid blocks for now but I intend to make each area unique.
Map Name: Conflux Gametype: Team Slayer Seeing how it plays with Slayer. Going to probably tweak spawns based on the result.