GamerTag: Duke of Mearl CoForger: 1needmoreb1each Map: San 'Shyumm Gametype: Extermination Player Count: 4v4 Map Link*: map link Description: Layout given overhaul GamerTag: Mustard Sean Map: Silo Gametype: Extermination Player Count: 4v4 Map Link*: map link Description: i made some updates on his extermination contest submission to see how it plays. GamerTag: Duke of Earl Map: Pitfall Gametype: Extermination Player Count: 4v4 Map Link*: Link Description: Initial testing for extermination map. AND IF YOU HAVE ROOM FOR A 4TH... GamerTag: Rex Journey Map: Trusion Gametype: Extermination Player Count: 4v4 Map Link*: Map link Description: i made some updates on his extermination contest submission to see how it plays.
Rico Ball is a spin off of ricochet the Rules are 1 point to throw it in and 3 to run it in first to 15. As the ball carrier you have the advantages of 110 movement speed, 1 hit beat down, and double thrust. PLEASE COULD U EXPLAIN THIS TO THE LOBBY SO THEY MAY HAVE A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT THERE DOING AND TO DO. Gamer tag o0 1MMORTAL 0o Map name Enchanted Map link Game mode and link Rico ball Gamer tag o0 1MMORTAL 0o Map name invigoration Map link Game mode and link Rico ball Gamer tag o0 1MMORTAL 0o Map name train station Map link Game mode and link Rico ball Gamer tag o0 1MMORTAL 0o and Blackstone Map name threshold Map link Game mode and link Rico ball Gamer tag o0 1MMORTAL 0o Map name lineage Map link Game mode and link Rico ball Gamer tag THE OMICRON Map name Quasar Map link Game mode and link Rico ball Gamer tag ARC1T3CTZ Map name Gondola Map link Game mode and link Rico ball Gamer tag ARC1T3CTZ Map name IMPERIUM Map link Game mode and link 4v4 Strongholds Regarding the Rico ball maps .....would like any feedback on how to better each map I no its a lot of maps I apologise Peace
Lol that is quite a bit, we dont have hardly anything going on tonight so for now, ill let it slide and we will knock these out. thanks.
The old links work again so I got rid of the backup ones Hopefully we get enough maps for tonight Gamertag: Draloric Map Name: Eradication Highway S. Gametype: Eradication Player Count: 16 (or as many as possible it shouldn't matter too much) Map Link: MAP Gamemode Link: GAME EDIT: Got rid of Overlap for now because it isn't ready. Can't figure out the freaking flags. If anyone can help it would be appreciated. EDIT2: Added Slimmed Gamertag: Draloric Map Name: Slimmed Gametype: DuelType Player Count: 2 Map Link: MAP Gamemode Link: GAME Description: A 1v1 map I made a long time ago, just threw it in for funzies
Map: de_dust2 Gametype: Slayer Player Count: 4v4 Map Link: II_8e4b0ca9-ccad-44b2-a7a8-9c80fc0cabc8
Updated my post (changed out a map as my 3 submissions but left the 4th in case we have the space/time since it seems we may be light on maps)
Map: de_dust2 Gametype: Strongholds Player Count: 4v4 Map Link: II_8e4b0ca9-ccad-44b2-a7a8-9c80fc0cabc8
GT: IMAROLLINGSTONE Map Name: TF RE4 Gametype: BTB Slayer & BTB Strongholds Player Count: 16 (8v8) Map Link: Here
GamerTag: Duke of MEarl Map: Fighting Pit Gametype: Extermination Player Count: 4v4 Map Link*: Link Description: testing map layout before adding more art GamerTag: Duke of Mearl Map: san ‘shyuum Gametype: Extermination Player Count: 4v4 Map Link*: Link Description: last Forge Friday play test yielded different results than I had on Extermination Wednesday. Want to see wmore gameplay on before altering GamerTag: Duke of Mearl Map: envy Gametype: Slayer Player Count: 4v4 Map Link*: Link Description: old map, want to see if it’s worth reviving
Hey Max I know I already submitted for de_dust2 strongholds tonight but if there is room could we try oddball as well totally up to you or I can wait until next week Map: de_dust2 Gametype: oddball Player Count: 4v4 Map Link: II_8e4b0ca9-ccad-44b2-a7a8-9c80fc0cabc8
GamerTag: Foge Map: Fonut Gametype: Slayer 4v4 Map Link: Description: 4v4 map just seeing how it goes.
GamerTag: lNeedMoreBleach Map: Crusade Gametype: Extermination Map Link: Crusade link Description: duke recommended i have this map tested some more. any note worth feedback and speed boost balance. GamerTag: lNeedMoreBleach Map: mini pit 0.3 Gametype: Extermination Map Link: mini pit 0.3 Description: just trying a different approach to a pit themed extermination map. GamerTag: lNeedMoreBleach Map: abandon rm Gametype: 4v4 slayer Map Link: abandon rm Description: remade abandon to see how it would play without the lower part of them map. started remixing it trying to fix some problems. any and all feedback.
Gamertag: Draloric Map Name: Eradication Highway S. Gametype: Eradication Player Count: 16 (or as many as possible it shouldn't matter too much) Map Link: MAP Gamemode Link: GAME Changes: -Vehicles should now die when stuck behind doors. Gamertag: Draloric Map Name: Crumble 2 Gametype: Slayer Player Count: 4 (2v2) (Red vs. Blue) Map Link: MAP Description: This is a map that we played either on Duke after Dark or here not sure, but I decided to revisit it and try to make it better. Changes: -Widened paths -Added windows into corners looking into mid -Generally tried to space everything out a little bit I am aware that there is a 2 map cap but last week you allowed some extra maps from someone cuz there wasn't enough maps so if there aren't enough this week as well you can take any of the following maps as well Gamertag: Draloric Map Name: Constricted Gametype: Slayer Player Count: 4 (2v2) (Red vs. Blue) Map Link: MAP Description: Intended as a warm-up. The map changes over time or via buttons. Gamertag: Draloric Map Name: Pylon Gametype: DuelType Player Count: 2 Map Link: MAP Gamemode Link: GAME Description: Based on the top of that pylon shield generator thing from Halo:Reach Gamertag: Draloric Map Name: Null Gametype: DuelType Player Count: 2 Map Link: MAP Gamemode Link: GAME Description: A donut-shaped map with no center, and no texture.
GT: IMAROLLINGSTONE Map Name: TF RE7 Gametype: BTB Slayer & BTB Strongholds Player Count: 16 Map Link: Click Description: Changed terrain in front of Red Base to make warthog more viable; defined a vehicle path in front of Blue Base; shrunk size overall.
Gamer tag ARC1T3CTZ Map name x wip Map link Game mode extermination Gamer tag ARC1T3CTZ Map name x wip 2 Map link Game mode extermination
GamerTag: lNeedMoreBleach Map: Crusade Gametype: Extermination Map Link: Crusade link feedback: any note worth feedback and speed boost balance. GamerTag: lNeedMoreBleach Map: mini pit 0.4 Gametype: Extermination Map Link: mimi pit 0.4 feedback: added a bridge in the middle the soft segment the map. GamerTag: lNeedMoreBleach Map: wasp nest Gametype: extermination Map Link: wasp nest feedback: first test all and any feedback.
GamerTag: Harmonic Bliss Co-Forgers?: Technically none, but ARC1T3CTZ has been a huge help providing lots of feedback long the way Map: Planeswalker (beta) Map Link*: Bliss#ugc_halo-5-guardians_xbox-one_mapvariant_Harmonic Bliss_9af536ce-8688-401d-bb24-20164e260dcf Game type 1: 4v4 Slayer Game type 2: 4v4 CTF Description: block out with early stages of art pass; symmetrical room based combat; final aesthetics will be influenced by the five land types of Magic: the Gathering.
Sidenote: I'd really like to be a part of the testing lobby, if there's room, but I don't get home from work until around 10pm eastern (9pm central). Thank you in advance for your consideration and thank you to the community for doing this.