Max Extra's Forged Friday

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Max Extra, Mar 1, 2016.

  1. Terferkda

    Terferkda Heroic

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    Gamertag: xw Trifecta wx
    Map: Glade
    Gametype: BTB Assault
    PlayerCount: 16 Players ( 8 v 8 )
    Map Description: " All scientific data collected has resulted in the hypothesis that the planet has annihilated any natural life-form that attempts to grow on its surface, yet reasoning as to why or how is still unclear. "
    Forgehub Link
    Map Link
    Max Extra likes this.

    NOKYARD GrifballHub
    Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Gamertag: runNOKYARDrun
    Map: Standoff 0.94, Halo 3 BTB Classic Throwback
    Gametype: Classic Multi Flag
    PlayerCount: 16 Players 8v8
    Map Description: Very accurate 1:1 remake of Halo 3 Standoff. Although it was built using Deadlock as the canvas, the only items retained from the original map are the respawns and game play items (Flag Stands etc.). It's still a bit rough and the art, lighting, light bake, & terrain are not complete. I have still not decided between using Tidal or Alpine Terrain & Rocks so i am looking for feedback on that as well (this map uses Tidal). There is still a bit of frame rate from the platforms above the bases which will be addressed in later builds.
  3. TimeDipper

    TimeDipper Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Gamertag: TimeDipper
    Map Name: Descendant
    Gametype: Big Team Strongholds, 16 Players
    Link to Map: HaloWaypoint

    Description: Layout changes, major aesthetics update, looking for feedback on stronghold locations, spawns and weapon/vehicle balance.


    Gamertag: TimeDipper
    Map Name: Dispelled v2
    Gametype: Big Team Slayer, 16 Players
    Link to Map: HaloWaypoint

    Description: Aesthetics updated and testing spawns.
    Max Extra likes this.
  4. Foge

    Foge Staff
    Staff Member Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Max Extra likes this.
  5. Sir Veyza

    Sir Veyza Legendary

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    Gamertag: A Beardzerker
    Map Name: Thieves Den
    Gametype: Strongholds (Primary) or Assault (Secondary), 16 players.
    Short Description: “Outer Colonies likes these serve as prominent black markets for smugglers and mercenaries looking to sell stolen UNSC tech.”

    (Aesthetics still in progress and definitely not final. Mainly testing spawning, tank viability, and map flow.)

    Max Extra and The Grim Dealer like this.
  6. Mags

    Mags Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Posted last week not sure if I needed to post again but just to be sure

    • Just looking for general feedback, specifically with the weapons on the map to make sure that the Humans don't have to much of an advantage. the weapons have been changed since two weeks ago. Walls were added and removed since last weeks test to increase map mobility and an invisible ceiling was added to certain parts. Really trying to bring out the FUN factor found on most infection maps.
    Max Extra likes this.
  7. Max Extra

    Max Extra Forged Friday Founder
    Staff Member Administrator Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Looks like we have all of last weeks maps and this set. There have been some double submissions and we have gone over the btb count so as a result they those have been pushed to next week. Please come on out tonight and help support the stream and the forgers who made the maps!

    Please link to a waypoint link rather than just a forgehub link, both is fine. just not only forgehub. I dont want to chase down a rabbit trail of links setting thisstuff up
  8. Soldat Du Christ

    Soldat Du Christ Legendary
    Senior Member

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    Here ya go, sorry about that
  9. Flippant Solutions

    Flippant Solutions Legendary
    Senior Member

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    #1729 Flippant Solutions, Mar 26, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2018
    Max Extra likes this.
  10. The Grim Dealer

    The Grim Dealer Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Map 1: Echoes
    Gametype: Big Team CTF
    Link to Map: Link

    Still working on fine-tuning spawns, as well as testing some perf optimization.

    Map 2: Conflux
    Gametype: Strongholds
    Link to Map: Link

    I want to see if Strongholds is garbage or not.
    Max Extra likes this.
  11. Buddy Jumps

    Buddy Jumps Jumpmaster
    Senior Member

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    Yo @Max Extra , I saw your invite last Friday. Sorry for not joining, it was about 3:40 AM for me, I seriously had to go offline, haha. And I'm not that type of guy to join one's lobby and then just leave after one's map has been tested.

    I wanted to ask, if Scarabeus is in this week's roster or not. I'm kinda confused about your last update, sorry. Anyways, I changed some more stuff, I'm really looking forward to how the test is gonna go! ^^
  12. Max Extra

    Max Extra Forged Friday Founder
    Staff Member Administrator Forge Critic Senior Member

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    All good, just make sure you post an obvious resubmission and I'll get it when I collect the maps this Friday. That's the best way to make sure I get all the maps.
    Buddy Jumps likes this.
  13. Riftocity

    Riftocity Heroic

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  14. NikkoJT

    NikkoJT Legendary
    Forge Critic

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    Good news: Vectal Grace is still stuck in "what on earth do I do with these lifts" hell, so you don't have to play that again. (Love to hear some recommendations sometime if you have any ideas though)

    Bad news:

    Autobahnschutz Eiger
    6v6 CTF (or Oddball, if you're not feeling CTF)

    This map has seen some speculative performance fizes since you last played it (and it's been a while!) so I want to make sure everything is running as expected before signing off on it.
    Max Extra likes this.
  15. Buddy Jumps

    Buddy Jumps Jumpmaster
    Senior Member

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    Map Name: Scarabeus
    Gametype: Awoken
    Player Count: 12-16

    Until the door mechanism is triggered, the zombies spawn at the bottom of the buildings. After 30 seconds they can spawn on top, it takes around 40 seconds for the door to open up completely. After that the humans should hurry through the tunnel... Next part is difficult, but could be done with map knowledge (there are four drop zones for the zombies).
    Max Extra likes this.
  16. Mags

    Mags Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Max Extra likes this.
  17. lNeedMoreBleach

    lNeedMoreBleach Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Gamertag: Cougar cleal14>lNeedMoreBleach
    Map Name: crossbow (beta test)
    Gametype: btb strongholds
    Player Count: 8v8
    Short description: performance issues, general game play feedback. feedback on strong hold spawns.
    Link to Map: crossbow map link
    #1737 lNeedMoreBleach, Mar 30, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2018
    Max Extra likes this.


    Likes Received:
    • GamerTag: IIIClaessicIII
    • Map: Krakken v12.7
    • Gametype: BTB Strongholds
    • Player Count: 16
    • Map Link*: Krakken
    • removed spawns from the second story of the bases in an attempt to limit camping from the defending team.
    • stronghold positions moved closer to the center
    • GamerTag: IIIClaessicIII
    • Map: Raptors Nest 1.5
    • Gametype: Avian Infection
    • Player Count: 16

    • Shout out to Delta V for helping me with scripting on the centerpiece
    Please make sure to read this to the stream, as it is just as important as certain individuals need to detest a map.

    In response to last weeks feedback, I would just like to say to all those critiquing, I have changed a lot in both of these maps. I apologize for not informing Max and you as a whole on what small changes I have made week in and week out. I promise that I will comment on whatever small changes I make going forward.
    I have tweaked things in order to not change them entirely and like you said Max, "keep the idea". In a way, Im trying to find middle ground. That being said, I am not against constructive criticism, and I want the map to play as best as possible. I appreciate all of the input and actively try to implement ideas given by those in the party of which I believe will work with the map.
    I guess at this point, I am just making small tweaks here and there... I am sorry if those who have given a critique feel as if they have not been heard. once again, thank you for your input. I promise I have listened.
    Max, Thank you and to those who understand the term "constructive criticism" as it is the only term that can properly explain a form of criticism that is conducive to learning. If you are voicing a personal or negative opinion towards a map, it is in effect, not being "constructive", because you are no longer being objective. If you actually care to better someone elses' map, it is done through cooperation and understanding, and ultimately, remaining objective.
    in response to cheapbox and xdemption. you are obviously not being objective or constructive and therefore i will not entertain your 'p.o.s.' critique, because it is not a valid critique. you are not trying to better the map but simply detesting it, and using youre voice and this forum as a way to call attention upon yourself. That is, as you have said Cheapbox, "shameful"
    I can take negative. But I do not tolerate negative without an objective basis. Honestly you two can f off to say the least.
    and in response to your call out: I will not waste my time responding or talking to you as you do not deserve the attention you so desperately seek.
    to give you some additional perspective, I have studied art my entire life and understand the concept of a critique quite well. I now teach art, and can promise you that when it comes to a critiquing student work, I take the utmost care in using words properly and being diplomatic, no matter my personal opinion.
    The both of you would be wise to look this word (diplomatic) up and study its definition extensively.
    Max, While I will definitely be submitting new maps soon, If you are going to ask me to stop submitting certain maps due to their extensive running time(which I understand), I will also ask that you remove those who are not conducive to the betterment of constructive and objective critique, from the lobby. I was under the assumption that the lobby was meant for testing, and if those who are testing maps cannot remain respectful at the very least, what is the point of testing it in the first place?
    Especially, if we are testing a map for the 100th time, the importance of remaining objective cannot be overstated.
    I would think that in a lobby like this, where I too have played a map many times week in and week out, we can at the very least, remain respectful.

    Feel free to skip these maps out of respect to Forged Fridays and its progress to the halo community. thank you.
    #1738 IIICLAESSICIII, Mar 30, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2018
  19. Draloric

    Draloric Legendary

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    Gamertag: Draloric
    Map Name: Eradication Highway S.
    Gametype: Eradication
    Player Count: 16 (or as many as possible it shouldn't matter too much)
    Map Link: MAP
    Gamemode Link: GAME
    Nothing major has changed this week, humans didn't even get to the end!
    - Scorpion pathing improved
    - # of starting zombies dropped
    - Energy swords now do 4x more damage (I think) (R.I.P. bad tank drivers)

    Map: Overlap
    Gametype: Overlay
    Player Count: 8 (4v4)
    Map Link: MAP
    Gametype Link: GAME
    - Added wall colour indicators.
    - Added transparent coloured boundaries to indicate barriers
    #1739 Draloric, Mar 30, 2018
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2018
    Max Extra likes this.
  20. Foge

    Foge Staff
    Staff Member Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Max Extra likes this.

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