Well I tried having the Wed and Thurs testing lobbies test this out again, but I guess they are all on a hiatus. I hate to make you replay a map, but if you have time or are interested, I worked to try and fix the framerate issues, roofs, and some spawning issues with the map. Could you try strongholds on it this time? GAMERTAG: CaptainDireWolf MAP: Whiterun GAMETYPE: Strongholds Amount of Players: 8v8 MAP post link: http://www.forgehub.com/maps/whiterun.3700/ Attending (yes/no): no but one of these days I will have time!
Well, this is my first submit, i hope enjoy the map Gamertag: WarriorFish343 Map: Storage Gametype: Breakout, Slayer (FFA) Players: 4v4 / FFA (Max. 16) Map Post: http://www.forgehub.com/maps/storage.2342/ Map Download: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...rFish343_9123cb83-3cb9-4b66-9234-34082c34b909
GT: MULLERTJE Map: PEARLESCENT Gametype: Slayer Player count: 2v2 Attending: No http://www.forgehub.com/maps/pearlescent.3626/ I'll start up twitch when I wake up and hopefully catch you guys playing Thanks.
Are we looking full tonight? The google doc (that I have a link to) isn't updated. Also, I didn't really follow format so: Gamertag: Kmancal8 Map: Downtown Noir (test) Mode: Big Team Strongholds
Trying some lazy cover REX JOURNEY Reserve 12-16 If 16 BTB Slayer AR/Magnum starts If 12 BTB Slayer Ar/BR starts
Gamertag: t0astman Map: Camelot Gametype: Slayer Player Count: 8v8 You playtested strongholds awhile back and it needed work. i havent messed with it yet but am curious about how slayer BTB works out. Map Link: Link here Attending: I'd like to but watching the stream is enough.
I DEFINITLY liked your map last time we played it on strongholds the feel of the map was great but some parts were very lacking into the whole battle scenario But anywho I'll be getting sweaty on your map tonight so max count me in #sweaty on board
Gamertag: Stray Morais Map Name : Amitayus Gametype Requested and Player Count: 8 v8 Stronghold , Slayer Description: Trippy lost colony ship Gamertag: Stray Morais Map Name : Cybermaglev Gametype Requested and Player Count: 8 v8 Stronghold Description: Skyhook with a cyber maglev loadup from the halo ring . Forgehub details --- Double Post Merged, Sep 23, 2016 --- Gamertag: Octopus beak Map Name : Hotdog Rally Gametype Requested and Player Count: teams of 2 (up to 8 teams) Hotdog Racing Description: Fun hotdog race with funky obstacles
Seems like your maps gonna get good reviews... --- Double Post Merged, Sep 23, 2016 --- So is this gonna be like the last map you made with the wraith and "spectate box" ? ( if you were there you know the pain and suffering we went through)
Gamertag: For Chub Map Link: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/...For Chub_7dc98ef7-8bc5-4c16-9c17-3f033e7f856a Gametype: BTB Slayer Attending: If I'm needed
You already submitted this map this week lol. I would take it again but I started not doing the same map twice so ill add it to next week Tonights September 23rd, 2016 Snapshot: Total Maps 31 8v8: 17 55% Infection: 4 13% 4v4: 7 23% 6: 0 0% 2v2: 3 10% 1v1: 0 0% ************ANNOUNCEMENT************Starting next week I'll be only accepting maps and gametypes that have waypoint links. This will greatly reduce the time it takes to set up the lobby as well as makes sure I get the version of the map you are wanting me to use. I will help you remember if you map lacks a link as you post next week to try to get your maps to be accepted. Next week I plan to have the Alliance Testing Network information/feedback website up. The goal is to have much cleaner way to view your feed back for your maps submitted to the ATN. keep in mind that while soon the ATN will open up soon to btb and other stuff, we are currently focused on 4v4's. next week when you submit a map please note if you want the ATN to test it.
Thanks for testing Shipment. It's come a long way thanks to your lobby. I'll be submitting Project Chimera again though so here it is for next week. Also if ATN eventually tests infection (more specifically linear infection) then I'd actually like them to test Shipment just to see if I can get different perspectives on the map. If not it's fine *Updated Post* GT: KeeLoker Co-Forgers: None Map: The Labs Gametype: Project Chimera Player Count: 12 players Description: A linear infection map based in an infested shipping yard. Humans must traverse through the plagued shipping yard with hidden secrets scattered throughout the map and reach the tunnel at the end to survive. Forgehub Link
Tonights Session is over thanks for everyone who played, submitted, and watched tonight. Got off to rusty start and panned out towards mid way to the end. Thanks for everyone who submitted let me know if I or anyone in the ATN can help you move on up with your maps. on the OP you can find a link to the forged friday archive.
Map: Meltdown Gametype: Slayer GT: CertifiedChamp I'll be making some changes to each team's base and have adjusted the gravity slide on Bridge to shoot you under the binary tower, in front of the Tactical Magnum
So...if i want the ATN test my map...but i submited to this thread already... Can i submit the map again?
absolutely if you would like to see it played next week feel free to submit the same map each week till your happy with it I just recommend that you apply the changes you feel are necessary before each play test. remember I am testing everything as normal but now we will also be getting the 4v4 to be passed around to the other lobbies to get the best results for you
Raijin Break BTB Strongholds Link Attending 1.1 Version with altered weapon set and new Stronghold placements. Several bugs from 1.0 were addressed as well.