Well as of now my internet is out and Comcast can't get anyone here till Sunday afternoon. Will prob not be able to make it this Friday. If you guys wouldn't mind running through my map and see if you like the updates. Sucks cus I was trying to get a wip I'm working on some spawns to test out its layout if we had time to squeeze it in.
super unfortunate. We will for sure get to your map and you'll still get the feedback on it. We are a little low o. People ATM so I'm still hoping to have a good turn out
I have a map needing testing, but I don't think I'll be joining. http://www.forgehub.com/threads/wip-infestation.151223/ GAMETYPE: 4v4 oddball, (if you don't have an oddball gametype, do slayer instead) Keep in mind the map may be a little too small as this is the first 4v4 test, and will determine if 4v4 is too many players.
Map: The Yard Link: http://www.forgehub.com/threads/wip-the-yard.151237/ Gametype: 4v4 Team Slayer GT: WeedCough Feedback: Spawns, Weapon Set, Aesthetics
Can I save a spot here? I should have my BTB map back in a testable state by the time the lobby kicks off, but I'm not yet sure. EDIT: Not needed, because I got lazy and couldn't be bothered to add spawns and weapons.
I'll be ready tonight tho it might be late again. GT: Seems Dangerous Map: Pig WIP designed for: 4v4 strongholds Can test without optimal numbers will support 8v8 if need be WIP THREAD: http://www.forgehub.com/threads/wip-pig.151256/
As of right now the play list is updated for march 18 2016. Your map has been added Your map and gametyps are added Its been added and we will still get to it even though you arent there. Your map has been added cant wait Send me a gamertag so i can add you when you are available Ill need a gamer tag to add you and your map. please msg me or friend me on xbl Added your map to the list and you Ill need a Gamertag to reach you at. msg me it or friend me on XBL your map has been added
Gamertag: SIR IRON WOLF Map: SPLORF Arena Gametype: SPLORF Thread Link: http://www.forgehub.com/threads/wip-splorf-arena.151076/ The rounds are set high so you might want to adjust the round count lower. The kind of feedback I am mainly looking for is if the gametype works and is fun or if i need to do any adjustments. Also any additional ideas for more aesthetics will be helpful too.
I wish I could be there! Looks like there are several new maps this time around. For anyone that's interested in giving feedback, here are the main changes I've made to my map since last week: Spoiler: Changes - March 18th - Thruster speed has been reduced to 250%, in an effort to better balance Spartan vs Banshee encounters. - The interiors of all three ships now have artificial gravity. The center frigate also has a switch which deactivates gravity for a short period of time. The gravity volumes don't reset you to normal physics, but they keep players tethered to the ground when holding objectives. - There is a gravity volume "ceiling" in the center of the map that will kick you back down before the soft kill gets you. It covers a large portion of the map, but unfortunately I don't have enough objects left to extend it all the way to the edges. - A net of teleporters covers the bottom of the map. Passing through it drops you onto one of two lifeboat ships on the edge of the level instead of sending you plummeting to your death. If you're clever, you can use this as a means of escaping a dicey situation. - Red / Blue motherships have been opened up a bit to allow for easier access, and slightly reworked to allow the objectives to be placed in the back rooms. - SPNKr has been changed to a Railgun. It seemed redundant with all the Hydras in play. - Ambush (Assault) and Boarding Party (CTF) both have altered stats for the flag / ball carrier. In Assault, the carrier is faster but has less health, and in CTF the carrier is on par with regular spartans rather than being slowed down. This is where I'm looking for the most feedback - I'm not sure how zero gravity will affect the way these game modes play out in BTB, so let me know what you think needs to change...I'm open to any suggestions. Also, FYI the title of the map has changed to 'Ambush at Orion' (any files using 'battle" will be older versions).
Hoping to be there on time tonight, this time with a note pad so I don't sit here the next day trying to remember what feedback to offer.
GT: iii swizz iii Map name Columns. Asymmetrical map can be played with all game modes. Will add photos to this thread later.