Bad expirence for me in last nights lobby. Two players Psygasm and @ThisIsNotTheNSA were AFK for large portions of the game and were negatively impacting spawning by being anchor points wherever they decided to stand and be AFK at. If your not going to be actively playing, don't play at all. The film is basically useless now.
Map: Arcadea Gametype: 4 Team CTF (Red, Blue, Yellow, Green) future_070f4384-aef0-4e41-9dfc-36450aba7a86 Size: 16 player, 4v4v4v4
GT: Spranklz Map: Flotilla v4 (Newest version in bookmarks) Game type: Big Team CTF Player count: 8v8 Map: Shear v6 (Newest version in bookmarks) Game type: Slayer Doubles Player count: 2v2
Hey Salty, I'm PSYGASM and I apologized for my absence in the beginning of your test in the chat box. My dog had stomach surgery a few days ago and as soon as the match started I saw she finally started looking interested in the babyfood I left out. She hadn't eaten for days and really needed to. The only way she started eating it though was when I gave her a scoop of it off of my finger. So I was busy doing that for a couple minutes. Again, I apologize for disrupting the test.
Map: Raijin Break Gametype: BTB Slayer Player Count: 16 - Link - Description: My remix of "Takamikazuchi" by @TheLast Ravager With a reversal of theme, Raijin Break is set in the now old and decaying lightning collection station. Where it once stood against the clouds and above the vast ocean, the facility is now flooded by a sandy tomb. Covenant scavengers have been reported on site. Not all secrets, were meant to stay buried.
Strongholds on ODA-241 The Heights art pass is finally done! Now that I'm done making it look pretty, I really want to start polishing every aspect of the map.
GT: KeeLoker Map: Shipment Gametype: Disturbed I just really want to get the last holdout room tested before I stop plaguing your lobby with this map. Map: The Labs Gametype: Project Chimera
Map: Meltdown Game mode : Slayer GT: CertifiedChamp I'll be done this for sure by Friday, it's a symmetrical 4v4 map with some A- symmetric features, themed around halo 1/H2A Forunner architecture
I'd like to have this one tested again soon if possible... GT: Anemeros Map: Arcana Mode: Strongholds and/or CTF Players: 10-12
GT - LoTuS Map - Gilded Sanctum 4v4 assault Map - Kelvin 4v4 strongholds Haven't been able to forge at all. Cast on my right arm for another month
GAMERTAG: MAP: Chartis Graphein GAMETYPE: BTB Strongholds+, BTB CTF+ Amount of Players:16 Should fix all problems addressed in last test by adding a new pathway and balancing out weapons abit. Hopefully last test needed Attending (yes/[no]): "I hate work!"
Gamertag: Agent Zero85 Map: Corvettes Gametype: Naval Battle Player Count: (16) 4v4v4v4 Short description: Four Corvettes battle it out in this epic 4v4v4v4, new and improved corvettes allow for more strategic gameplay, as you can no longer "turn on a dime", stability was drastically improved with this change. Green ship was also repaired with this fix. Map link: Waypoint Gametype Link: Waypoint Attending: Yes.
Gamertag: t0astman Map: Titan Junction Gametype: Prepare for Mantisfall Player Count: 6v6 (8v8 if it makes running the lobby easier, though its not intended. Id be curious to see performance with 16 players, it only drops FPS much on the outskirts looking on with 4 players) Description: Titanfall tribute. Custom game mode adjusts player speed, damage and load outs. Custom strongholds variant. Both teams can score with one base. Every 2 minutes, Mantis drops occur around the map. Mantis's cannot fit into structures but can shoot into them for defense/offense. The map is super huge and forge has a rough time rendering it from the corners but this was an exercise in replication, not performance. Map Link: Gametype Link: Attending: I'd like to but watching the stream is enough.
GAMERTAG: RPAL MAP: SYF New Scripts GAMETYPE: In Your Base Amount of Players: 16 Attending (yes/no): Yes I think I have fixed the round switch problem. I actually tried the map the other day without changing anything from the test and it worked perfectly. Since I had no problems with around 8 players, I believe the number of players lags the scripts and it just barely misses its cue. I'll try to get a test in before Friday to make sure we are good to go this week. EDIT: For some reason my gametype isn't showing up on waypoint, otherwise I would link it.
Gamertag: Pat Sounds Map Name: Circuit Breaker Player Count: 2v2 Game Types: Team Slayer Thanks for the feedback last time guys! I've made several more changes based on your suggestions...I think switching to OS from Speed Boost was a great idea, now I'm just trying to nail down something to replace the Binary with. There will be a new weapon set the next time you get a game on it, so lemme know what you think. Thanks for hosting / testing as always.