Map: Dead Covenant's Concert Gametype: Mosh Pit (8 players-8 teams) Please play this song with it Figures crossed I can get the scripting to work!
Gamertag: Stray morais Map Name: Cybermaglev Gametype Requested and Player Count: Stronghold, CTF or Slayer 8v8 min 4v4 Short description: Skyhook cyber maglev . Lost colony loadup. Link: morais#ugc_halo-5-guardians_xbox-one_mapvariant_STRAY morais_2d8cadf1-c6e3-4f1c-9675-4fbd23e8c751
Gamertag: xDTx Kaos Map: Pycrete Gametypes and Players: BTB CTF and BTB Slayer 12-16 players Short Description: Inverse Symmetric Halo 1 style BTB map DL link:
Max Extra Mearth Strongholds ALSO september 16th snap shot: Total Maps 27 Maps Remaining: 27 8v8: 7 26% Infection: 5 19% 4v4: 13 48% 6: 0 0% 2v2: 2 7% 1v1: 0 0%
Apparently, Echoes looked too similar to some maps already in Matchmaking rotation, so 343 had me change the whole look of the map. At this point, I'm looking for any FPS drops that may occur after the changes.
Yo @Max Extra can you push sword tournament to the last few maps, I'm having a couple issues with it but I've got to go to school. I'll send you a message if I can't get it fixed.
GAMERTAG: RPAL MAP: Stealin' Your Flags GAMETYPE: In Your Base Amount of Players: 16 Attending (yes/no): Yes! I haven't gotten a chance to see how the scripts react to more than 12 players, so I guess we'll see how it goes.
I'm currently in the process of uploading the map here, but it's ready for testing and available in my bookmarks... GT: Anemeros Map: Arcana Players : 8 minimum, 12 max Mode: Either team slayer or strongholds
All of the maps so far have been put up to date. Now is the time to message me for any last minute changes. or post here for a submission: Current Snapshot: Total Maps 30 8v8: 9 30% Infection: 5 17% 4v4: 14 47% 6: 0 0% 2v2: 2 7% 1v1: 0 0%
if you want i can change it to a 5v5 but typically maps are not that. only one play through so let me know either one
Gamertag: Flippant Sol 16 players Game Mode: Rolling Thunder (Strongholds) Map: Rolling Thunder Note: Game mode is prone to graphical bugs, broken gameplay mechanics, broken game mechanics such as physics, crashing the game, and spreading an exploding banshee 400 units across the skybox. I do not take responsibility if your copy of Halo 5 harms your software / hardware.