Map: Meltdown Game mode: Slayer GT: CertifiedChamp This is a competitive 4v4 I'm working on as of this post, it should be finished by the time next forged Friday comes around, but I've been nitpicking it alot
I'm sorry if you're getting sick of seeing Shipment but I changed the last holdout spot so hopefully it'll play a bit differently. GT: KeeLoker Attending: Yes, if there's room Map: Shipment Gametype: Disturbed Map: The Labs Gametype: Project Chimera
Thank you for your feedback. I would. Like to submit Scorch Palace again but this time for 4v4 strongholds. Squally dabeanz helped me with stronghold placement and from what I've tested on it it should play much better. Gamertag is Mr Deliciousman. Also how do I get a my map green lit? For ucc pro lobbies?
Gamertag: For Chub Map: Name and file UPDATED to ( Den of Theives) Gametype: BTB Slayer After last nights test and an hour of watching film the map will be experiencing some pretty significant geometry changes. I came up with some awesome solutions to fit my art goals better whilst upgrading the gameplay and adding more of what people liked to the map. Bomb room and Scorpion room have been flip flopped and rotated, its quite interesting and the scorpion will be even more enjoyable then before. If you want a sneak peak look at the files (Glit) and ( U). Thanks again to your lobby Max, the gameplay film was indispensable!
Gamer Tag: Haunted Dino Map: canyon stronghold Game Type: Slayer or Strongholds you can pick Amount of players: 4 vs 4 Attending: maybe it depends if I can get on xbox Map Link: Dino_df0c9206-1729-424c-9b27-67165ed4c825
GT: Spranklz Map: Flotilla Working (Whichever version is in my bookmarks) Game type: Big Team CTF Amount of players: 16 Map: Shear Gametype: Slayer Player count: 2v2
Big Team Strongholds on Echoes, please. I want to see how it plays with gametypes that it wasn't built for. Unfortunately, the update didn't fix the frame drops on the Heights art pass, so I have a lot of work to do on that, but I'll try to get it ready for next week.
GT: PSYGASM Map: NO MERCY Gametype: Left 4 Dead - Alpha Zombie: Immune to headshots with increased health, jump, armor abilities (almost infinite thrust) and melee but walks slowly. Regular infected: Slightly slower clamber speed. Survivors: Melee does 40% damage but 300% knockback. Players: 16 I will most likely be joining the partay. Notes: -Need to get the scripted spotlights to rotate more smoothly. - Added a hellish running start onto the map for the Tank. I will probably redo this running start to make it come off of an adjacent skyscraper onto the map. Right now I have a scripted block to come cover up the hellish running start cause it's distracting/ugly from afar. A skyscraper won't need to be covered up and can be made easily unreachable by other players simply by making it taller than the map. My gametype was not at all what I wanted when we tested this so hopefully this will be a more fruitful run. Thanks Max you're the man!
GT - LoTuS Map - Gilded Sanctum Gametype - CTF 4v4 Assym layout for symm game types. Should be fun Map - Shambles Gametype - Strongholds 4v4 Map - Kelvin Gametype - Slayer 4v4 Can't attend, broke my right arm and hand last Friday in an accident. I'll forge the little I can with my 1 hand to be ready for this Friday
GT - Agent Zero85 Map - Destroyers Gametype - Naval Battle (modified version of Breakout) 8v8 Will try my hardest to prevent it going on the record as "broken" again lol. I've lowered block count on the ships quite a bit since then. Here is what they are supposed to look like now: Using hannibal scorps as the front cannons .
If you could give Circuit Breaker some tests when you have room, I'd appreciate it. I've worked in some of the feedback from last time you played it. I know you're full up these days, so whenever you can get to it. Thanks! Gamertag: Pat Sounds Map: Circuit Breaker Mode: 2v2 Slayer
Gamertag: SocialTourist Map: River of Life Mode: Stronghold 4v4 -6v6 or Slayer And Thank you so much for feed back on previous maps. Changes have been made and the overall experience was improved. Thanks and take care.
Remember, after September 2nd there are no duplicate map submissions. Trying to keep it clean and allow the most variety of unique maps for the lobby and gives more people a chance to submit. plus This should encourage you to submit the map to another lobby as well.
GAMERTAG: CaptainDireWolf MAP: Whiterun GAMETYPE: Team slayer Amount of Players: 2-16 (I think due to size 6v6 or 7v7 works best) MAP post link: Attending (yes/no): no, traveling
GT: ExpiredEGGGNOG Map: Sword Tournament (8) or Sword Tournament (16) Game type: Sword Tournament Players: 8:16