Thanks for testing Skullus again. Nice Combat Evolved, Max! For September 2nd: Author: Tom Cinder Map: Skullus Game: 2v2 Slayer Attending: Maybe
I'll put on Shipment again too just so you can see the changes again. Map: Shipment Gametype: Disturbed LINK Attending: Yes if there's room
Map: Dead Covenants Concert Gametype: Mosh Pit It's a warpath style mini game 16 Player strongholds 8 teams of 2 For added immersion have someone in the party play this youtube video preferably around the time you hit the start match button
After some feedback from a couple of tests I've updated Whiteout (Whiteout 1.3). I smoothed out some of the terrain and tweaked a few other things especially in the Cave. Let's play Big Team Strongholds and (Big Team) Assault.
UPDATE TO FORGED FRIDAY! After the session on SEPTEMBER 2, 2016 I will no longer be accepting duplicate map submission. We now have enough lobbies throughout the ATN and forgehub that all of your maps can be tested through out the week. This will also help me help more people by getting to more peoples individual maps. This wasnt a change I planned on doing but after a few talks with others I think this solution helps everyone.
GAMERTAG: iiiCLAESSICiii MAP: Spine 5.0 GAMETYPE: BTB CTF Amount of Players: 8-16 Attending (yes/no): Yes
What does this mean Max? Will you stop testing the same map every week after feedback and changes or will you stop testing multiple maps from the same person on a single friday?
TLDR: The same map can be submitted to back to back weeks, but can not be played more than once per friday. This means that on a single Forged Friday lobby, people submitting maps can not submit the same map twice. They are more than welcome to have it submit it again for the next week. But I ask that you dont, in one submission, submit the same map for 2 weeks. I would prefer you take the time to hear all the feed back from the lobby first make your own decisions as to what needs to be done to the map if anything based on the feedback and then resubmit the map the following week if you want another test on it. I hope this answers your question let me know if it doesnt or if you have more. I dont understand why TLDR goes after the huge block of text so I put it in front.
GT - LoTuS MAP - Syphon Gametype - 4v4 Assault Have tried more base segmentation, initial spawns and repawn work, removal of some paths and blocked more sightlines. Hopefully this plays better, I know it hasn't seen too much love. Map - Shambles Gametype - 4v4 Oddball All but done, just want to see one last play-test. Until 1 flag/bomb Map - Gilded Gametype - 4v4 Slayer This is an old one but I have spent the last week working on drastic changes. Lift goes all the way up, bottom basement is much more extensive, more movement by caster and new paths between center and sneaky elbows.
Gamertag: Mr Deliciousman. Map name: Scorch Palace. Player count: 4v4.gametypes: Slayer, strongholds and CTF. Slayer plays the best but if u can also get a strongholds match that would be great. Also where would I be able to see the feedback for the map??
Feedback can be found through the link on the OP called Forged Friday Archive. That is where I keep all of the feed back for now ADDITIONALLY AS OF THIS POST FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2 2016 IS FULL. ALL SUBMISSIONS FROM HERE ON OUT WILL BE FOR LATER WEEKS. KEEP IN MIND THE NEW UPDATE: NO MAP WILL BE PLAYED MORE THAN ONCE PER WEEK FROM NOW ON. UTILIZE THE OTHER ATN OR FORGEHUB BASED LOBBIES FOR MULTIPLE TESTS PER WEEK. THANK YOU. Also September 2, 2016 at a glance: Total Maps 35 Maps Remaining: 35 8v8: 17 49% Infection: 4 11% 4v4: 7 20% 6: 0 0% 2v2: 6 17% 1v1: 1 3%
GAMERTAG: Qrrbrbirbei MAP: Reconciled GAMETYPE: Slayer Amount of Players: 8 Attending (yes/no): After midnightish Most recent version will be in my file share
-GT: "TheLast Ravager", -MAP: "Takamikazuchi", -REQUESTED GAMETYPES: "Big Team Slayer, and Big Team Strongholds", -MAPSIZE: "16_players total".
I have no idea if my map was tested last week, so I'm posting it here again. Anemeros New Halcyon 14-16 players Team Slayer and/or Strongholds
I honestly have no idea what happened either. I liked it so that means i saw it and it should have been added. Super sorry. I just added it to the list for next week