Map & Gametype: Zombie Maze GT: KeeLoker WIP Attending: Yes, if spots available. However, this map is extremely complicated and will need some explaining. So if there aren't any spots left, it would be nice and useful to at least be in the party so I can explain the map.
Gamertag: Pat Sounds Map: Electric Funeral Mode: 4v4 Slayer -- Map: Circuit Breaker Mode: 4v4 Slayer One new map, and one old one that needs to be fixed up...I probably won't be able to attend yet again because of work, but I'll let you know if something changes. I really appreciate you guys testing, I always watch the stream and learn something new even if I can't play.
GAMERTAG: Vorked Manback CO-FORGED: BaconMedia and Cyan MAP: New Mombasa GAMETYPE: Slayer, CTF WIP or MAP post link (optional): Attending (yes/no): No
gt : RazorSharp03 map : Kensei gametype : slayer (2v2) this is the second entry for this map
Map: Opulent Gametype: BTB Strongholds Link: The map will be completed in time for the stream.
Gamertag: Taitou1 Map: Weekend Getaway Gametype: Infection Link: Attending: Yes
Gamertag: KingOfSteineyyy Map: Dread Halls Gamemode: Survival It will be the top file in my file share
It looks like we are full up at the moment for forged friday on august 5th! Thanks everyone for your submissions all submission starting with Weed Cough's will be held next week. if there are map drop outs this week maps will be pulled from here first. Dont forget the Year of XBL raffle friday begining at 8 pm central
Well if you do, I have another submission. GT: WeedCough Map: Hushed (should be in my files) Game type: 2v2 slayer
GT: Darth Quackers 1st Map: Symbiosis Comp Game type: BTB Slayer 2nd Map: Reign on Codex Gametype: 4v4 Slayer
Gt: gsomekiller307 Map:shia labeouf Game type:shia labeouf Attending:yes I decreased the amount of trees and added more bear traps and I also decreased the Shia's health and speed
Aaaaw meeen, am I late for this Friday? Well, then next week: GT: HerrMittmann Map: Cataracta 0.0.6 Modes: BT Slayer, BT CTF, BT Stongholds Loadout: AR + Magnum I've already seen a match of CTF on this map and it seemed to be quite fun and working. So perhaps you want to try strongholds?
Hey man, I won't be able to play tonight due to a few things going on personally, so best of luck for tonight. Also, I forgot to post a link to the new updated versions of bliss, so here is a link, I'll have to update the thread sometime this weekend. Quick Changelog: Dramatically reduced weapons and updated weapons for default friendly play Removed strobe light on OS and reduced light intensity Spawns (the main thing I'm looking at, I only changed a couple, and I need to know where to put spawn areas after seeing what spawns are being weighted too much)
Yeah, just a bit late for this week. we filled up on wednesday night. Not to worry though your map will be on the list for next week