GT: Ascend Hyperion Map: Eulogy Gametype: Strongholds (4v4) Eulogy had some more work done to it after last Friday, ranging from some aesthetic additions, lore accurate adjustments and the inclusion of Strongholds. Strongholds is unique because the Gondola on the map, typically outside the play area, is made into a stronghold. Map Link:
GT: Uncommon future Map RAGERT (wip name) Gametype: Slayer, CTF, or Strongholds WIP Thread link: I've played some 4v4 matches on it and it can feel a little hectic at times. Would it be possible to test it as a 4v4 and a 2v2 map possibly. 3v3 also does well for it too. But i'd like to see how 2v2 does as well. I'll be attending if I have the opportunity.
Gamertag: Rabid Hogs Map: Canyon 0.5 Gametype: Ar/magnum 8v8 Strongholds Attending: Probably not I feel the CTF gameplay and feedback is solid enough for me to work on Strongholds for the map. The map is designed for CTF, but I think Strongholds will be unique and change the way the map is played.
Gamertag: Sikamikanico Map: Fever Pitch (MM) Gametype: Slayer/Strongholds Attending: Nope Lots changed from lighting, routes, stronghold positions, spawning and more. Would be super grateful if you can get two games on it, but no worries if not.
Gamertag: Bromaniac35 Map 1: Mercy Mode 1: BTB Team Slayer 16 players (keep normal settings) Map 2: Mercy Mode 2: Btb CTF (keep normal settings) Map 3: Kennecott Mode 3: 4v4 Strongholds
Gamertag: I am Aschur Map: Temple of Boom Gametype: Slayer (2v2 or 6 man FFA, preferably 2v2) Attending: Nope, same reason as last time. I moved some things around (the fire pits) to make combat encounters less annoying, changed the weapons up a bit too.
GT:gsomekiller307 Map:yellow submarine Gametype: btb CTF Map:jump rope Gametype: jump rope Attending: yes Didn't get much feed back for jump rope last time it was played
If there is room, ontop of Alcove Assault already supposed to be tested, I have an additional grifball map: Sunset Beach Drive
Gamertag: SL0WKlD5atPL4Y Map: Realm Gametype: Slayer (3v3 and 2v2) Attending: Yes This is the first time this map has ever been played on, so I don't know which plays better, 2v2 or 3v3. It is a forerunner map, that is three levels. I wanted a map that played like Haven from Halo 4. It should be fun!
Gamertag: Draloric Map: Eradication Highway Gametype: Eradication Attending: Would love to, but I gotta leave 30 minutes in so I won't be there for long # of players: As many as possible, but somewhere between 12-16 is ideal. Goal: Human: Survive and get through each door. Infected: Stop the humans. As a human, watch your ammo! There are a few weapons on the map but you won't last long if you just spray'n pray! Please note: I've been told you have a limited number of maps you can do each week, so I don't want this map to take up space that other more serious and probably more functional maps want, so please only do this if there are no other maps which are being held back. Please note again: This is a very WIP design, and you may find some issues. That's what I want you guys to do.
Map: Cesspool Game: Infection Threw in some subtle aesthetic touches. Also added lighting to doorways due to comments on them being hard to find. Looking for some ideas on cover for the area between survivor spawn and tunnel collapse. Noticed that location is a lil OP against infected.
I've got one I'd like to test if there's room: Map: Electric Funeral Game: 4v4 Slayer I'm moving tonight but with any luck I'll be available to play later in the night if you need people.
GAMERTAG: HeroicJkroy MAP: Test Craot GAMETYPE: Strongholds WIP or MAP post link (optional): Attending (yes/no): Yes
GT: SocialTourist Map: Tide Pool Gametype: Infection, 4v4, FFA, and possibly a few others This map is still a wip but spawns and gametypes should be finished before the weekend is over. This coastal research station seems an unlikely place for a battle. But this serene setting is unfortunately in a perfect postion to launch future attacks from. Can you defend the station or will it in become yet another casualty to the war?
AS of SocalTourist Map we are at 32 maps only 3 slots remaining. Tonights List:
I don't see my second map on the list. Will there be room for it? It's okay if there isn't, I'll just submit it for next week.