I completely re forged my Resolute map and it's in need of testing. Slayer and Strongholds. 4v4s. I would be happy to attend.
I'm glad the wedding went awesome as planned! In case you didn't see this from earlier. GT - LoTuS Map: Jarvik Prime Gametype: Strongholds (Plus Oddball if time for 2) UCC: Yes Link This map is nearing completion. Trying to finesse weapons/objectives. I opened up blue room to sniper to allow more movement. Also did some lighting work to focus player attention. Lastly I fixed the only bit of framerate we found running the map. Hope you enjoy. Map: JP8 Gametype: Oddball I also have an alt version of Jarvik called JP8 in my files that I would like to test. The bottom lift cave and OS cave have a change and I made a building path at yellow corner. I feel like this might be too big. I am not sure and I'd like to see it played before finalizing. Map: Kelvin Gametype: Assault Supports: CTF, Slayer, and Ball UCC: Yes Link Opened the nook area up to each base to allow more use of second level. Don't forget the switched to open the big door. One inside your base nest and one in front of the base.
GAMERTAG: Melted Universe MAP: Ion GAMETYPE: Breakout (8v8) Consider for UCC (yes/no): If it's ready Attending (yes/no): Please! I made so many changes to this map. The clutter is gone. The lighting is brightened and, there have been some HUGE modifications to areas players can access since the last time the map was tested in this lobby. --- Double Post Merged, Jun 19, 2016 --- GAMERTAG: Melted Universe (Coforged with Storied Squire) MAP: Triscity GAMETYPE: 8 v 8 CTF Consider for UCC (yes/no) Yes Attending (yes/no): Yes The map is our first attempt at an original urban environment. The main points of emphasis that I am hoping to get feedback on would be : spawning, weapon/vehicle placement and timers, as well as if some structures "just don't work." Also I would like to know if the maps size fits 8v8 well or not. Thank you all very much.
GAMERTAG: el Dunco MAP: Cesspool GAMETYPE: Infection WIP or MAP post link (optional): http://www.forgehub.com/maps/cesspool.2360/ I added a secret weapon (have fun finding it) and not sure if you guys have played it since I updated the generator room. MAP: Noble Stadium GAMETYPE: Grifball WIP or MAP post link (optional): http://www.forgehub.com/maps/noble-stadium.1683/ Changed some lighting so hopefully it won't experience the lag that was present the last time around. (Please take it easy on everyone this time Max. No more hat tricks!) Attending (yes/no): I think my gold is going to expire this week so may not be able to make it Also I threw together a custom mini game type One in the Chamber. Its single life FFA and you only have a Magnum with a single bullet. Haven't tested it out yet but I remember it being a pretty fun game type from COD. It should work on any map if people wanna try it out. Cesspool might be fun for it but I only have 6 neutral initial spawns on it so not sure how it will work with a bigger lobby.
I can't play Friday because I have a work thing, but I do have a new 8v8 that needs a test...It hasn't seen a game yet so this will be the maiden voyage! Let me know what you think. Gamertag: Pat Sounds Map: Arktika Gametype: 8v8 CTF w/ AR + Magnum Starts WIP thread: http://www.forgehub.com/threads/wip-arktika.152671/
I have a 4v4 map currently called new2 that I'd like to have tested. I'll hope to have an updated version by then but if not it supports slayer and strongholds
I got battle bases play ctf on that with 16 players and jump rope with 16 players and the glassing play slender with 12
Ay I'm back from Europe! I just released a new map, should be fun. It's got a twist. Gamertag: SL0WKlD5atPL4Y Map: Arizona Parking Lot Gametype: 4v4 SWAT (Slayer) and/or Grifball
GAMERTAG:TickleMe Buddha MAP:Temple GAMETYPE:Slayer and Strongholds WIP or MAP post link (optional):http://www.forgehub.com/maps/temple.2602/ Consider for UCC (yes/no) yes Attending (yes/no): no
Sorry for the short notice. See if you can squeeze this in? GAMERTAG: Tom Cinder MAP: Golden Grunt GAMETYPE: 2v2 to 3v3 Slayer or Strongholds WIP or MAP post link (optional): http://www.forgehub.com/maps/golden-grunt.2919/ Consider for UCC: Yes Attending: No, traveling
Thanks for testing Golden Grunt for 2v2 slayer. This coming Friday might you fit it in for 3v3 Strongholds? GAMERTAG: Tom Cinder MAP: Golden Grunt GAMETYPE: 3v3 Strongholds WIP or MAP post link (optional): http://www.forgehub.com/maps/golden-grunt.2919/ Consider for UCC: Yes Attending: No, traveling
GAMERTAG: Melted Universe (Coforged with Storied Squire) MAP: Triscity GAMETYPE: BTB Slayer / 8 v 8 ctf Consider for UCC (yes/no) Yes Attending (yes/no): No. Only cuz it's my anniversary. I messed with the spawning, vehicles, weapons, and scripting, I think the map will play much better this week.
Dang, I was making changes to V.3 as you tested on Friday. That's why it looked so incomplete. My bad. GAMERTAG: WeedCough MAP: Freakshow (BETA V.4) GAMETYPE: Infection ATTENDING: I'm going camping with the gf and her fam, so no
And for the coming Friday! GAMERTAG: Sikamikanico MAP: Cavernous 1.0 GAMETYPE: Slayer / CTF / Strongholds (4v4) (CTF was excellent in earlier playtests) ATTENDING: Nope. GAMERTAG: Sikamikanico MAP: Ethereal Max 1.0 GAMETYPE: Stronghold/Slayer 4v4 ATTENDING: Nope. <3
Author: Storiedsquire Map: Rahzuine Gametype: Strongholds 6v6 UCC: yes Attending: I want to but will prolly b working this friday night. --- Double Post Merged, Jun 26, 2016 --- Author: Storiedsquire Map: Skorge Gametype: Nuetral Assault 4v4 UCC: yes Attending: would love to but like above will b workin :/
GAMERTAG: Vorked Manback MAP: Powergrid GAMETYPE: Big Team Battle. Best for pistol starts, as of now. WIP or MAP post link (optional): http://www.forgehub.com/maps/powergrid.2937/ Consider for UCC (yes/no): No, is BTB Attending (yes/no): Maybe
GAMERTAG: TickleMe Buddha MAP: Temple V2 GAMETYPE: slayer or strongholds WIP or MAP post link (optional):wip Consider for UCC (yes/no) yes Attending (yes/no): dont need to GAMERTAG: TickleMe Buddha MAP: Castle Black GAMETYPE: Slayer WIP or MAP post link (optional): wip Consider for UCC (yes/no) yes Attending (yes/no): dont need to