You've definitely given a lot of forgers the exposure they need for improvement, and inspiration to create more great experiences. Forged Friday helped give me the incentive to complete my racetrack, and re-established my love for forge. Congrats again on the upcoming marriage man!
Thanks for playing Inclement Max, i actually really liked all the suggestions and feedback made. i'll be trying to work some of it in. My outro cams are broken however... , but yea thanks again
Thanks for hosting Forge Friday btw. I'm still quite new to all this, but your lobbies were the best. It's very hard to find 16 player, but you always manage to have kinda 1000 people in line. So, congrats to getting married!
Got an update version of Cradle for you. Version 0.15.0 in my files. Cradle 0.15.0 Captain Punch374 Slayer, FFA, & Flag are all that are working currently, up to you what you play.
Map: Vivarium Gametype: Strongholds (Slayer if there's time) UCC: Nyiiieeeeeessss... Link I need to see if the plasma caster is even beneficial to the team that grabs it and if non-CTF/Assault modes play well.
GT - LoTuS Map: Jarvik Prime Gametype: Strongholds (Plus Oddball if time for 2) UCC: Yes Link This map is nearing completion. Trying to finesse weapons/objectives. Also did some lighting work to focus player attention. Lastly I fixed the only bit of framerate we found running the map. Hope you enjoy. Map: Kelvin Gametype: Assault Supports: CTF, Slayer, and Ball UCC: Yes Link Opened the nook area up to each base to allow more use of second level. Don't forget the switched to open the big door. One inside your base nest and one in front of the base. Thank you Max for all the testing and feedback. I can't express how much I appreciate being able to consistently see people testing my maps every week. It's a great service to the community and helps me as a designer tremendously. Hope you two have a wonderful wedding/honeymoon. We will see you back in a few weeks. Take care.
Map: Schadenfreude Game type: infection Gamer tag: deltadownbeat Attending: Yes Player count: 16 (3 infected) A little about the map: it is holocaust themed and very graphic. Do not play on it if you are sensitive to that type of stuff.
Max is getting married so Forge Friday isn't happening for this weekend and next. I really don't know what to do with my Friday night. Maybe play Warzone...jk
From Max's earlier post: "I am getting married June 11, so the Forge Lobby of June 10, and the one after June 17 I will not host forged Friday. I will however work to have someone host it and If that is the case they will post here and keep you all up to date." with that I would assume no one has taken over the responsibility? Bummer...
GAMERTAG: A 3 Legged Goat MAP: Spellbound [Beta] GAMETYPE: 2v2 Slayer, 2v2 Oddball (NO RADARS) WIP or MAP post link (optional): Consider for UCC (yes/no) Yes Attending (yes/no): No
If Forged Friday is back on, I've got a map that has never been played. If you guys wouldn't mind running through it and letting me know your thoughts, I'd greatly appreciate it. GT: Pat Sounds Map: Vigil Gametype: 4v4 CTF Attending: I have a gig tonight but I'll watch the stream after the fact. P.S. Congrats on the wedding dude, I hope you and your lady had a great time while you were away!
GUYS IM BACK DONT WORRY!! So I'm back after having a great wedding followed by a great honeymoon! Along with me being back that means Forged Friday is too! sadly the plans to get someone to host in the meantime fell through but now I'm back in the saddle to play tons of maps this Friday. Submit away everyone.
GAMERTAG: Buddy Jumps MAP: Qarth GAMETYPE: Breakout MAP post link: Consider for UCC: Yes Attending: No (It's 3 AM for me)
Sweet. Congratulations on getting hitched dude! Got a couple of new maps for you to test now that Ethereal is 'finished'. GT: Sikamikanico Map: Cavern Gametype: 2v2 Slayer Attending: Nope, sadly. GT: Sikamikanico Map: Cavern4 (This a new version of the 2v2 map expanded to allow for 4v4. Gametype: 2v2 Slayer Attending: Nope, sadly.