Gamertag: DizzyCypress580 Map: Villa Game type: Slayer Link: Attending: No Thank you!
GT: PharmaGangsta1 Map: Lost Chamber Gametype: Peasant Hunt Attending: Most likely Can hold up to 16 but works best with 8-10 or so.
As of this post all maps for the Forged friday even of May 20th has been added to the sheet and you can see them here: We are currently at 28 maps!
I apologize I forgot I change the the name of my map. It now is named Roulette GT Melted Universe 4v4 slayer or strong holds Getting on now.
Quick question: In the list, you tagged my Olympus map with "mattclan". What does it mean? I mean, is there any profile where I can watch this? And will they play it on an other date?
Gamertag: Debo37 Map: Slushed (latest version - should be v0.5 in my files) Gametype: Slayer or Strongholds Players: 8-12 is the sweet spot, it could handle more though UCC: If the lobby thinks it's good enough! Attending: Call me a solid "maybe"
I haven't been able to connect with you or Demption yet but I have made an alt version of Jarvik Prime and Gilded Sanctum from the previous feedback sessions. If all goes well. I'll delete the old ones. With such large changes its hard to hit the delete button sometimes. GAMERTAG: LoTuS MAP: Kelvin GAMETYPE: 4v4 Assault MAP link: UCC: Yes Kelvin is so close to done. I tweaked spawns and lit up the door switch so it's more obvious. its meant for tactical use with map knowledge so I am not too worried about immediate visibility. MAP: Jarvik Prime GAMETYPE: 4v4 STRONGHOLDS WIP or MAP link: UCC: Yes New file! Don't use (old) version. No more teleporters, the haters win! JK, I built this new version for more competitive play that teleporters just don't accommodate. MAP: Gilded (Open) GAMETYPE: 4v4 Strongholds or Slayer MAP link: UCC: Yes New hard route from old initial spawns to basement. Moved initial spawns to platform across from each other to allow more use of the map off spawn. Thanks again for testing these the last few weeks. The feedback really helps!
GAMERTAG: Agent Zero85 MAP: Splinter GAMETYPE: Splinter (CTF, or Strongholds if we can do both ) WIP or MAP post link (optional): Consider for UCC (yes/no) YES!!! I do think im on to something great. Attending (yes/no): Yes, count me in! Btw, the map is complete, did it within a day, but it's maxed out in terms of objects already, and i have to update my WIP and turn it into a showcase . 16 players recommended.
GAMERTAG a Chunk MAP Wet Dre@m (Download Link) GAMETYPE 1st Choice=Strongholds 2nd Choice=Slayer WIP or MAP post link (optional) Consider for UCC (yes/no) No. The map is still in the early stages of development. Attending (yes/no) No Note: Please disregard appearance/aesthetics completely, as this map is in a blockout phase.
Gamertag: Verses Fatum Map: Commune & Holdout Gametype: Infection Players: 8-16 Attending: Won't be attending due to mic issues
I have 3 4v4 maps to throw in the mix this week...I hope to be there, but I have some girlfriend-related commitments Friday, so if I make it I will probably be very late. Sorry guys :/ GT - Pat Sounds Map - Priestess Gametype - Slayer UCC -Yes __ GT - Pat Sounds Map - Battle School Gametype - Battle School Slayer UCC - ?? __ GT - Pat Sounds Map - Headmaster Gametype - CTF UCC - Yes
I'm resubmitting my Villa map It has been updated since last time and has been changed accordingly. Slayer mode. I also want to recommend this map for UCC, and I won't be attending for forged Friday.
GT - Scrub Meee Map - blub (not the final name) Gametype - Strongholds UCC - No I will be attending. Please hold off on mine until you're able to get a spot for me in the lobby.
Hey again Max! The map Sentenced has had a full art pass and is now ready for full play. It's new name is now Exhibit. GT: The S0UL FLAME Gametype: Oddball 4v4 I'll show up tonight for another run of Custom Craziness!
GT: el Dunco Map: Cesspool Gametype: Infection Map: Noble Stadium Gametype: Grifball Map: Refuge Gametype: 4v4 Strongholds UCC: Yes Not sure what I'm doing tonight but I plan on being there at some point. Otherwise I'll just creep your stream.
GT: HerrMittmann Map: Grizzly 0.8.2 Modes: BT Slayer, BT Strongholds Attending: sorry, but no > 1am German Time... I submitted this Map a while ago. Some of you mentioned that the terrain was too "flat". So now I kinda remodeled everything Also, if you have the time, please try Olympus again. (If you have too many maps for tonight, you don't have to) Since last week I replaced the Phaeton with a Banshee and did some other smaller changes that should give the players a better understanding of the map. I hope the Banshee won't be OP anymore I'd still like to see some UCC
Hello again, You can play Ethereal and Super Dropshot if you have time but I know you've already played them a bunch, so your call. Got a new one for you though - Turf War on Underpass. GT: Sikamikanico Map: Underpass Modes: Turfwar Super buggy scripting alert! Play the gametype associated with the map (although it supports flag and bomb too) If the cars go nuts, then well, 343 need to fix the damn scripting. (but thats why its round based and short and very quick scoring!)
Gamertag: Rabid Hogs 1. Map: Canyon Gametype: 8v8 AR/Magnum CTF UCC: No 2. Map: Torrential Gametype: 12 player Infection with vehicles enabled and passenger only vehicle use for alpha and normal zombies UCC: No 3. Map: Infestation 0.4 Gametype: 4v4 Slayer UCC: Yes Map link: Attending: No