Mathmaticious - A Fergalicious parody

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by E93, Apr 23, 2008.

  1. E93

    E93 Guest

    This video was featured on Youtube a while ago. I just thought everyone should see this, cause it's hilarious:
    Here are the lyrics:
    Four, three, two, one

    Listen up, ya'll, 'cause this is it
    The numbers we're making are so vicious

    Mathmaticious expeditious can be kind of scary
    I hope my answers aren't radical or imaginary
    I convert percents to fractions, it brings me some satisfaction
    Like scientific notation and order of operations

    Mathmaticious (repetitious)
    Gets me expeditious
    My answers may get vicious
    My eraser's left in stitches
    I make wishes (woo-ah)
    I get the answer right, right
    And I'll be staying up all night just to check what I write

    Mathmaticious (The Pythagorean Theory)
    Mathmaticious (Finds the hypotenuse for me)
    Mathmaticious (Or I'll use trigonometry)
    I'm Mathmaticious (d-d-d-d-d-decimal, decimal)

    Locus of the points
    Locus of the points
    Locus of the points (points is echoing)

    I'm up about figuring out greatest common factors
    And when I make a pie chart I'm in need of a protractor
    The angle of elevation, thanks to my calculations
    Turns out to be 43, a prime number

    I'm Mathmaticious (repetitious)
    It makes me so ambitious
    My answers are judicious
    Calculator never glitches
    It's my mission (deh deh deh den)
    I get the answer right, right
    And I'll be staying up all night just to check what I write

    Mathmaticious (What's the probability?)
    Mathmaticious (Of me not labeling my axis)
    Mathmaticious (When graphing inequalities)
    Mathmaticious (hold, hold, hold, hold, hold up, check your work)

    Computing areas
    Quadratic formula
    Graphing parabolas
    I think they're all so cool
    It's my soul commitment
    That I ace the Regents
    Sine, cosine and tangent
    Are my favorite tools

    I divide, multiply, add, subtract, round off and simplify
    I divide, multiply, add, subtract, round off and simplify
    Is it whole? Rational? Factor out, substitute, solve for x
    Is it whole? Rational? Factor, factor, factor, hit the pi key

    3.14159, 26535, 89793238, 462
    6433832, 7950288419, 716, 939937,
    510582, 097494, 459230, 78164,
    062, 86208998628, 0348

    Mathmaticious (repetitious)
    Gets me expeditious
    My answers may get vicious
    My eraser's left in stitches
    I make wishes (woo-ah)
    I get the answer right, right
    And I'll be staying up all night just to check what I write (write, write, write)

    Four, three, two, one
    It makes me so ambitious
    My answers are judicious
    Calculator never glitches
    It's my mission (deh deh deh den)
    I get the answer right, right
    And I'll be staying up all night just to check what I write

    Mathmaticious (pi, pi, pi, pi)
    Mathmaticious (pi, pi, pi, pi)
    Mathmaticious (pi, pi, pi, pi)
    I'm Mathmaticious (d-d-d-d-d-decimal, decimal)
    It's Mathmaticious (pi, pi, pi, pi)
    Mathmaticious (pi, pi, pi, pi)
    Mathmaticious (pi, pi, pi, pi)
    I'm Mathmaticious, d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d (pi, pi, pi, pi)

    I divide, multiply, add, subtract, round off and simplify
    I divide, multiply, add, subtract, round off and simplify
    I divide, multiply, add, subtract, round off and simplify
    I divide, multiply, add, sub (four, three, two, one)

    Is it whole? Rational? Factor out, substitute, solve for x
    Is it whole? Rational? Factor out, substitute, solve for x
    Is it whole? Rational? Factor out, substitute, solve for x
    Is it whole? Rational? Factor, factor, factor (four, three, two, one)

    I divide, multiply, add, subtract, round off and simplify
    I divide, multiply, add, subtract, round off and simplify
    I divide, multiply, add, subtract, round off and simplify
    I divide, multiply, add, sub (four, three, two, one)

    Is it whole? Rational? Factor out, substitute, solve for x
    Is it whole? Rational? Factor out, substitute, solve for x
    Is it whole? Rational? Factor out, substitute, solve for x
    Is it whole? Rational? Factor, factor, factor, factor, factor...

    Kudos to SumersetInc
  2. Mista Skittles

    Mista Skittles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I don't think that that "solve for x" part is right but don't ask me what it is, cuz I'm trying to figure it out myself.
  3. E93

    E93 Guest

    No, it's right. I got it straight from the guys video.
    If you don't believe me, go to youtube, search mathmaticious, and look at the details:D
  4. Insanity

    Insanity Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Quite seriously this scared me lol. Pretty funny though, kinda like white n nerdy

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