Matchmaking update

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by IH8YourGamerTag, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    with the release of noble map pack, grab bag (vs firefight) and dlc (noble map pack) have been added.

  2. chung_wii

    chung_wii Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Uhhh. The Noble Map playlist is kinda... how do I put this... okay for 10 minutes. If you really want to play on the maps i'd suggest it, but waiting til they become mandatory will suffice. Also, as far as Grab bag goes, it's not too bad. A bit laggy, but you'll get over it. Very simple premise, the elites are easy to kill and so are brutes, jackals, grunts, and so on... But the struggle is getting the other team to NOT score as much. I really haven't put much time into coming up with a defensive tactic. Also, the dumbest thing about grab bag, all people do it get the shotgun and armor lock class and they camp and wait for elites or anyone to just roam on up. This makes it tough on your part to defend and also easy for them to stay alive.... As far a fighting these shotgunning fags, all you gotta do is walk up near where they are, then use your jetpack and fly up over them while shooting them w/ ur plasma Repeater. Works everytime. Anyways, there's my input. haha.

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