post your great moments of matchmaking, did you get a triple kill with a sniper bullet, did a 6 year old troll around but you killed them and they screamed. tell us
Three friends and I beat Bungie. Feels good man. Do you want it moved to Gaming Discussion? It's the most reasonable forum for this thread.
Three friends and I beat Bungie. Feels good man. Do you want it moved to Gaming Discussion? It's the most reasonable forum for this thread ok sure
I remember my spree of suicides via jeeps on BF2142 that got me a crapload of xp. Good times... Good times...
Alright, moved to Gaming Discussion. For future reference oscarstrok, you can click the Quote button in the bottom right hand corner of a post to quote some body, instead of copying what some one said and pasting it in your post.
Hmmmm.....Scraping another jeep driver and his gunner off the side of their own jeep with my jeep in BF 1942, and that time in L4D where I knocked three survivors off of a narrow bridge as a hunter
I dont think thats possible,unless som of them were your team mates. I went 0-17 in my first game of call of duty. you didnt say they had to be good.
Getting a 36 kill streak in a game of call of duty 4. (and finishing with 46 kills/ 2 deaths)[sup]Mp5 no attachements, 3 frags, stopping power, steady aim on downpour.[/sup] And really every moment i play of halo.
i accidentally kicked my entire big team battle team after getting betrayed by one guy once. they were all in the same party xD