That looks like a very gay pose .. All the confetti and stuff in the background makes the pic excellent! Good job!
Thats a great picture and his pose is just awesome. even if it was photoshoped it looks really good. And if this picture was just taken at the right time then thats also just cool and awesome. lol
Looks like he's drunk. As some of you know, I was travelling, and I just got back from a Cruise to some places in Canada. While I was still on land, we were at this hotel in a small city in Jersey, and everyday we took the Path Trains to New York. A very funny thing happened on the way back from the train station. Some drunk lady got out of the bar and walked right out to the road. We and this other car almost ran her over. You wouldn't want to get run over by an Acadia. lol. And she just stood in the middle of the road, and started dancing like a ***** (sorry 'bout the word choice), in the middle of the road. Soon, traffic was pilling up behind us, and she just kept dancing. It was absolutely hilarious.
lol wow, my friend took a pic on the pit like this, but i love the confetti and the way hes holding the battle rifle
I think its fabulous! Jk, although its still, its a funny pic. I've seen this in many other places though... was it stolen?
That is epic. I just love that picture so much. I have been working a lot on graphics lately, would you mind if I play around with that a bit?
I'm going to save this picture. I gotta show this to my friends. Might I ask where the rest of his left hand is? Does that suit have pockets?
What the hell!?!? It's like there's a secret combination of buttons to do a sexy pose instead of reload.