My first drawing that I actually didn't doodle, and worked hard on. I used a very blunt pencil that I sharpened using a knife and some computer paper, so the shading was bleh.. Please note that I have never taken any art classes in the past, so what you are about to see is complete fail. I just thought I'd share it so I can get some CnC to improve. Spoiler
You know you spelled master chief wrong? Any way, if you have no experience from the past with this, I think it turned out pretty good. Why don't you use a regular sharpened pencil though?
Its a fairly decent job for someone with no art learning experience. I believe the upper arms aren't bulky enough but too long, his forearms are too short and small, and his chest should stick out a tad more. All in all I'd say that its in a number rating a 7.777777 out of 10 I like using sharp pencil for drawing and dull pencil for shading but that's just me. Good job, keep it up.
Pretty nice artwork ya' got there! Sorry about that... Well his torso looks a bit... squared... but other than that this is better than I could ever do. nice job!