I had an excellent time hosting TGIF on Saturday morning (Friday night for most) I managed to get a whole lot of players reasonably fast so we got on with some competitive team games. Then we leaned to more casual, mini games n such. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves <=] FFA on Unchained. Land Grab on Helvetica, Alot of fun, intense matches. However my team lost 3-2 each round, so final score was 9-6. Twas extremely fun though. Next up was Conquest on Chasm, pretty freakin insane, but alas we lost. The members of my team still thoroughly enjoyed it depite the loss, which was great. After Conquest, we played Multi Flag on Constrictor, a couple were coming an going which disrupted the game a bit, Final score 3-0 Next, it was time for some good Ol' Tremor Valley. So close, yet so far. He was obliterated by the chopper, so close to temporary safety, not close enough I guess, Getting into the more casual games, it was time for some classic Duck Hunt: I decided to bring it back to the oldschool and show the party what forging is really about. Intersection is a great map, and a fantastic testament to the fact that interlocking and geo merging are not everything. Then, the people asked for Tremor N' Mouse, so they got some: We then flipped it back to the comepetitive style with a game of Team Slayer, BR Starts, Magnum secondary. Twas a very very intense game. We winning with 49-46 and the blue team somehow managed to catch up and win the game. An extremely fun game though. No one seemed to notice that we lost. There was too much fun in the Electronic/Cyber air. Me pwning n0obs with dual magnums. >=] Defeat :\ Next up we turned to canvas Guardian for some snipers only FFA, it was No Scopes galore, very exciting. Don't steal the guns!: Then finally as the party started to dwindle down, we all turned to ForgeMode, hoping to grab some sexy screenshots. However, the party was pretty much anarchy. I only managed to get of the scenes I had planned:
Hey! The first picture of Tremors N' Mouse is you driving, and me on the back! We iz teh best team evar! It sucked I only got in for the last three or four games, but they were great! I absolutely hated the party during the photo shoot! Everyone was so immature, they just wouldn't stop fooling around. And you couldn't get that epic vertical shot man. Oh well, I had a blast, and I will definitely get in full time next TGIF!
I was in alot of those pictures, that was a fun game Thanks Mastar. You didnt mention when i was pwning you in the first game...
I'm not surprised you got Loyal after hosting a very enjoyable TGIF, Mastar. I can't believe we won that game of Team Slayer BR starts. I only joined at Constrictor, I just downloaded Chasm before entering and really wanted to try it out and missed you playing it, but w/e. Next time I'll try and get to your TGIF sooner so next time I wont miss teh awesome GoO maps. Oh ya, we own as Tremors
Congrats, on becoming loyal and hosting another successful TGIF. Looks like you had a great time hosting and all of the games you played seemed to be very fun for all. But I'm more of a Mini-Games type of person when coming down to TGIF. I was excited when they contacted me to host TGIF again and I really wanted to host. But, I was on vacation and I was unable to host a TGIF that week. I hope they will let me host sometime soon so I can catch up on things I missed.
I'm in a few of the first ones. We played Helvetica and Chasm and those were pretty epic. I had to leave after that though. Pretty good stuff though. Great job with your TGIF mastar, it was fun for the time I was in it.
Not what i would have expected from the naked fiend! nice write, mature...who are you and what did you do with our resident pornstar?!
I can't believe you killed me with your dual magnums.. Too much farcry and gears =\ I guess I joined the TGIF really late. Oh well, it was fun, then I was booted.
Yeahhh... I'm sorry I did that lol, you were kind of agitating me, and some friends were messaging me wanting to get in. Please don't take it personally. I just wasn't in a super happy fun time mood then [hangover].