Masta Challenge

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by Masta Blastr, Sep 10, 2012.

  1. Masta Blastr

    Masta Blastr Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Masta Challenge

    Can you masta the mongoose?

    Masta Challenge is a mongoose driving obstacle course. By using the race gametype there are checkpoints before each of the many challenges. Player teleporters are stretched throughout the map to stop cheaters from walking. The challenge is highly addictive and it is possible for even the worst drivers to beat it if they don’t give up.

    I highly recommend using the Challenge gametype. It takes off the time limit and makes it so mines can kill you which are part of the challenge. I keep track of the best times to finish a lap and it won’t count without the gametype. However XEFFER has already mastered the timed run by doing it in an unbelievable 7 minutes 47 seconds.

    Made by Masta Hippie.

    Note: This is quite an old map but I never got round to publishing it.

    Masta Challenge - Halo Reach mongoose challenge track - YouTube

    Pics and tips:

    1. The Walkways

    The Walkways consist of numerous narrow walkways designed to split up people at the start of the game. This challenge requires careful manoeuvring and speed in the right places. If you see a gap make sure you get a run up to clear it.


    At the end of the walkways is a double jump thing. Make sure you go as fast and straight as you can and don't slow down on the second piece.


    2. Grinding

    The grinding section involves balance. For the first part line up your mongoose so that you have wheels on each piece. The faster you go the less chance you'll have to fall off.


    The super long grid grind is a lot easier than it looks. Just make sure the edge of the grid is in the middle of your mongoose the entire time and you'll even be able to stop and reverse on it like a show off.


    For the curvy section, just get as much speed as you can. Don't try balance perfectly with wheels on each side otherwise you won't make it. The last grind is the hardest and consists of just a single piece. Back up as far as you can (with back tyres over the edge) and line it up so the beam goes directly down the center of your mongoose. Then hit the gas and hope for the best.


    3. Parachuting

    The parachuting part is the only part where it is required to get out of your mongoose. The challenge is to get out of your flying mongoose at the right time and land on the block below. Some trial and error will help you figure out when the right time to get out is.


    4. The Tube

    The tube is a circular track with obstacles along it that you have to dodge around. The difficult thing about it is if you go too wide around then the track will become too steep. For the first half you will have 10 seconds to dodge and go through 4 objects. The hardest piece to get pass is the narrow tunnel. Don't panic and give yourself time to line up properly to get through it.


    The second part has turns where you have to go low on the curves to get through the tunnels. If you decide to go around the tunnels you will die. The best way to go through them is to stay as close to the flatter part of it as possible so you can pull yourself up on the other side. Have a break between them too so you can compose yourself.


    5. The Banks

    The banks consist of 3 different angled walls. First you will do them on wide pieces and then on narrow pieces. On the 45 degree pieces, get some speed and drive to the side before you slide off them. For the outward angled ones you can go down them slowly and then using a combination of reversing and fast turning go up the other side.


    The last bank is a long steep one to the checkpoint. Get as much speed as you can and when you go onto to it turn left while still going forwards.

    6. The Drops

    The drops consist of 3 different drops down to sea level. The first one is a turn followed by a drop. For this you don't need that much speed so just make sure you're going straight when you drive off the edge. The second drop is a narrow tunnel through a loop. Line up you mongoose so that you'll drive through the tunnel without touching the sides and then park your mongoose with the back wheels off the edge. Accelerate through the loop and hopefully land upright.


    The third drop is a tunnel with mines in it. You have to drive with the right speed so that you don't touch any of the sides. About 1/8th of the run up space is the speed you need to clear it.


    7. The Rolling Mines of DOOM

    This part involves some epic dodging and luck. The mines will constantly spawn and roll down the slope you're trying to get up. Just hope for the best and dodge your way up. Make sure you don't drive over one of the mine spawn points at the top.


    8. Random Climbing Stuff

    This area consists of a few random climbing obstacles. The first one is a very steep slope. Get as much speed as you can and you'll just reach the top before sliding down. After that take the mancannon to the platform and hope you don't flip otherwise you'll die.


    Then push your way through the balls. The can be very annoying. Just keep pushing until the left one is on the right side.


    After that you'll have some narrow walkways to climb. Just take it carefully and make sure not to slide off the edge of the slanted ones.


    9. Sliding

    This part involves sliding down the grid through every arch. For the first half get as much speed as you can and turn to the left while driving forwards to slow your descent. Bounce off the wall on the otherwise and carefully slide onto the platform. For the second half take the mancannon up and turn at the top of the arc. Then slide through every arch without touching them so that you have enough speed for the jump at the bottom.


    10. Surfing

    A simple part where you bounce over ramps sticking out of the water.


    11. Swimming

    This part consists of an underwater maze. I won't give any hints of the correct path because that will ruin the fun.


    The low visibility and strange driving conditions is what makes this part difficult but after you find the correct path it is easy.


    12. Rock Climbing

    Climb the rocks to get to the top. Just keep experimentally until you find a path you can climb. At the top it gets narrower so cross it fast.


    13. ALIENS!!!

    No challenge in this part, just awesomeness as you get abducted by aliens.


    14. Finish

    Fly out of the UFO, through a tunnel and win.


    Then you get a reward of flying over the map.


    Download map: File Browser Halo Official Site
    Download gametype: File Browser Halo Official Site

    If you like this map then check out the other tracks in the Masta Challenge trilogy.
  2. StolenMadWolf

    StolenMadWolf Promethean

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    Man, I'd proberly die on the first bit like 40 times, but man, this looks like a lot of fun if you know what your doing. Would be awesome to see what would happen when you throw in 8 players on that track. I like how you set up each stage. Nice job.
  3. caughtsword4

    caughtsword4 Promethean

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    And HOW is it a ****ing nightmare? Don't just go around and say it looks terrible, without downloading or giving any info about how it looks terrible. Just say some constructive criticism, because "It's terrible" doesn't help anyone. You didn't even say why it looked terrible. Say "the map doesn't look good to me, but you can fix it ...." or if you don't like these kind of maps, just go away, not tell Masta Blastr that it looks like a ****ing nightmare.

    On a side note, the UFO part looks really interesting, especially the part where you fly away. How did you do that anyway? Is it a mancannon? But I can't really tell from the pictures.
    Also I suggest removing the balls, as it looks really frustrating and doesn't involve any excitement. Just climbing a ramp while trying to shove some balls out of the way.
  4. Alpine Drift v

    Alpine Drift v Promethean

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    I've played this a friend's house. It was so frustrating, I couldn't get past the first bit. o_O
  5. Tycho

    Tycho Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for reporting me for all the wrong reasons.

    Nightmare as in, it looks incredibly hard, so I will not download it respectively.

  6. CosmicJosh

    CosmicJosh Forerunner

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    Wow, downloaded all three, and absolutely loved them. Great challenge to do with some friends. :)

    The first one took me an hour.
    The second one took me an hour and 10 minutes
    The third one has yet to be beaten by me, but I'm working on it.

    The first one is my favorite so far, the second one just has a bunch of really annoying parts to it. The third one is in the middle, but they are all addicting.

    If you make a fourth, I will download it. Guaranteed. Keep up the good work!

    The third one I tried in 4 different sittings, and the 4th time I finally got it. Took me 2 hours. Not as fun as the first, but still, better than the second one.

    Like I said, love these. Awesome maps! :)
    #6 CosmicJosh, Jun 16, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2013
  7. SpreadTanTheMan

    SpreadTanTheMan Legendary

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    #7 SpreadTanTheMan, Dec 17, 2015
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2015
  8. Th3n0ob5LaYuh

    Th3n0ob5LaYuh Spartan II

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    I have created a series of tracks, called N0obChallenge, and I promise it is the highly sought after, end all be all mongoose expert track that none of us ever got.... if anyone is interested, I will share
  9. Th3n0ob5LaYuh

    Th3n0ob5LaYuh Spartan II

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    Just to be clear, 6 out of the 10 people I've had try it, didnt finish, of the 4 that DID finish, only 2 were able to get it done in under an hour, and I myself, having tested and played the track numerous times, have a best time of 32 minutes. It's a hoe, let me know
  10. SpreadTanTheMan

    SpreadTanTheMan Legendary

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    Since the last time of me posting the original links have now been discontinued for Xbox 360, now my efforts have been moved to archiving Halo reach maps onto Halo MCC for Xbox One, Series X/S, and PC.

    Link to map and gamemode

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