Masta Challenge 3D

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by Masta Blastr, Sep 10, 2012.

  1. Masta Blastr

    Masta Blastr Ancient
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    Masta Challenge 3D

    Everything is better in 3D.

    The third in a series of very difficult mongoose challenge tracks. The goal is to cross every obstacle and reach the end. Each obstacle takes a different driving skill to complete and range from simple manoeuvring to bouncing down a giant plinko set. Naturally each obstacle has a checkpoint after it so you will be able to respawn by it. Player teleporters have also been set up in the necessary places to ensure you don't cheat by going on foot.

    Made by Masta Hippie and Purpledinosaur.
    Also credit to v ionized for designing one of the obstacles and Tiamat8 for a great obstacle idea.


    1. The Walkways

    This obstacle requires careful manoeuvring and speed in the right places. The first jump requires getting a run up on the turn.


    2. Balance Beam


    3. Hanging Ledges

    Reverse off the edge and hang off the ledge using your front wheels.


    4. Drifting Banks

    Drift around the banked turns and get enough speed for the big jump.


    5. Plinko

    Slide down the giant plinko set.


    6. Timed Coaster

    Get over the roller coaster track section within 10 seconds.


    7. Tower of Kill Ball

    Manoeuvre up the tower while timing your movements around the bouncing kill ball.


    8. Rock Climbing Up

    Drive along the natural cliff and then climb to the top.


    9. Rock Climbing Down

    Carefully climb down the rock face without falling to your death. Try to stop on the outcrop and then drive around the turn.


    10. Toliet Hops

    Small jumps with small landing areas including a jump into a toilet.


    11. Swimming

    Driving underwater was some unique physics because the back of the mongoose tends to float. Drive around the 10 second section and onto the island. Then navigate the much more difficult underwater walkways and jumps.


    12. Bumps

    Speed over all the bumps. Driving at a angle tends to slow you down less.


    13. Timed Gateways

    Drive through the gateways without hitting the sides because you only have 10 seconds.


    14. Mongoose Abortions

    Jump out of your mongoose at the right times to safely land on the platforms.


    15. Antennae Twist

    A narrow manoeuvring obstacle.


    16. Timed Straight

    Get over the bumps and around the cones within 10 seconds and travel at the correct speed to make the jump.




    Overview 2


    Download map: File Browser Halo Official Site
    Download gametype: File Browser Halo Official Site

    If you like this map then check out the other tracks in the Masta Challenge trilogy.

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